30 Apr


A child-friendly school provides more than simply academic instruction. The child-friendly school program encourages equality, respect for other people's rights, and improved student safety. It is essential for all pupils, particularly those in senior high school. Implementing a program in school that promotes children's health and well-being will assist students as well as school staff in monitoring their health, specifically their behavior, duties, and rights as a student. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of the EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School, focusing on its influence in creating a child-friendly environment conducive to learning and personal development. The primary goal was to quantitatively assess the program's impact on various aspects of student well-being and academic performance. Utilizing Likert-scale surveys, the study gathered quantitative data from students, parents, and guardians to gauge their perceptions of the program's effectiveness. Findings from the quantitative analysis revealed a strong consensus among respondents, indicating a perceived improvement in students' sense of belonging, security, and community relationships within the school environment. With a grand weighted mean of 3.57, the response trend leaned towards a 'Strongly Agree' position, affirming the positive impact of the EKASIBATA Program on fostering a supportive and inclusive school culture. 

This research highlighted the quantitative methodologies employed to examine the program's effectiveness. Through statistical analysis of Likert-scale survey responses, the study quantitatively assessed the program's influence on student motivation, interpersonal skills, academic engagement, and overall satisfaction with the learning environment. Results indicated significant positive correlations between participation in the EKASIBATA Program and improvements in various aspects of student well-being and academic performance. Notably, statements regarding enhanced motivation, improved interactions with others, and increased engagement in discussions and group activities garnered particularly high weighted mean scores, affirming the program's efficacy in promoting a positive and supportive learning environment at Nasugbu East Senior High School. 

Keywords Child Friendly School Program, academic instruction, equality, respect, people's rights, student safety, health and well-being


A child-friendly school transcends mere academic instruction, embodying a comprehensive program that advocates for equality, respect for others' rights, and heightened student safety. Its significance is particularly pronounced for senior high school students. According to Orkodashvili (2013), child-friendly schools offer a myriad of benefits, including improved children's health and nutrition, support for gender equality, protection of children's rights, redefinition of quality education standards, and cultivation of a positive psycho-emotional classroom environment. Crucially, such institutions prioritize the acknowledgment and preservation of children's full spectrum of rights, encompassing not only their right to education but also their rights to self-expression, leisure, safety, freedom from harm and abuse, expression of opinions, and participation in decision-making processes commensurate with their developmental stages. This program is designed to develop quality education units and to fulfill children’s rights. It is not just about educational purposes; it also instills in student’s norms and values.           

A child-friendly school environment would make kids feel safe, comfortable, and active (Ambarsari & Harun, 2018); also, a school is called child-friendly if it provides a safe, clean, healthy, and protective atmosphere for children (Endang Fauziati, 2016). The academic performance of child-friendly schools was higher than the conventional schools (Anwar el at, 2017) correspondingly the commitment of school leaders, teachers, staff, and school committees to create a school culture based on respect, protection, and fulfilment of children’s rights in education and other relevant fields is a supporting factor for the creation of a child-friendly school organization culture (Umbase and Wua, 2020).           

The dedication of school administrators, faculty, staff, and school committees to forging a school climate based on the respect, protection, and fulfilment of children’s rights in education and other relevant areas is a contributing factor to the development of a child-friendly school organization culture (Wua and Umbase, 2020) and the purpose of developing a child-friendly culture is to provide a supportive atmosphere in the home, community, and school so that children can feel at ease and attain their full potential (Widodo & Galang, 2020). The lack of teaching and learning resources contributed to poor school conditions (Mandiudza,2013) to prevent this, the school committee is extremely important in monitoring the activity of the learning process towards the quality of school life (Fritriani et al, 2020). Even In the Post-modern time, the school focuses on rote learning (Gyawali,2020), thus the implementation of a child-friendly teaching-learning process has met the condition of a child-friendly school (Suharjuddin and Markum,2021).           

The child friendly program aims to promote a healthy learning environment by fostering co-existence between teachers and learners, recognizing the significant role of the school environment in student behavior (Cabildo, & Espinosa, 2020), and the stakeholders have realized the importance of school facilities, interest, and attendance of students, complete family, and the wise use of modern gadgets in the implementation of the child-friendly school system (Pepito, & Comighud, 2020). In addition, a study related to the child-friendly school program by Maslang, Dacles, & Marciano, (2022) emphasized the need to establish a dedicated office with sufficient authority for effective enforcement of behavioral guidelines and the development of a sustainable monitoring scheme for the Clean, Healthy, Safe and Friendly program, aligning with the program’s goal to boost children’s participation in school and community; improve children’s academic performance health and well-being; ensure safe and protective environments for children; encourage enrolment and completion; provide excellent academic attainment and success for youngsters Increase teacher morale and motivation, as well as community support for education (DepEd Order No. 44, s. 2015).           

According to Navarra, E. S. (2019), her studies demonstrated that the aims of child-friendly schools have a high level of advocacy in school implementation. All over the world, schools are obligated to provide child-friendly programs and formulate important mechanisms towards the best interest and protection of the child. The challenge to provide quality education despite limited resources by the school administrators in order to ensure the best results is an international issue bugging the education sector globally (Luminda, 2018). Additionally important, a child-friendly school takes the initiative in creating a learning atmosphere that allows kids to learn as much as their brains can handle.     According to the Department of Education (DepEd) a Child-friendly School is more than just a place for formal learning. Foremost, it is an institution that recognizes and respects the range of rights of children, and not just their right to be educated. These rights also include their rights to be healthy, to be given opportunities for play and leisure, to be protected from harm and abuse, to express their views freely, and to participate in decision-making according to their evolving capacities.           

While upholding children’s rights, a Child-friendly School also instills in children the responsibilities that go with their rights. Among these are to respect the rights of others, respect diversity, practice equality, and resolve differences without resorting to violence.           

Just as important, a Child-friendly School takes the lead in shaping a learning environment that enables children to learn as much as their intellectual faculties could take. It is a kind of environment that allows them to grow healthy, equips them with knowledge and skills that they can use throughout life, and enables them to become responsible and productive members of their community and society.           

Child-friendly schools reduce or eliminate frequent physical threats and other forms of violence that occur in and around schools and learning environments, such as teacher corporal punishment, student-on-student abuse, gang wars, bullying, sexual assaults, other forms of gender-based abuse, and outside group school assaults. To prevent abuse, child-friendly schools must collaborate with parents and community organizations. Children must be shielded from bodily harm as well as mental, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. To do this, clear policies and practices that are transparently enforced must be put in place (Borania,2020). 

In light of this, the EKASIBATA Program identified the assessment of the respondents on the program in relation to pre-event orientation (HSK checklist), seminar Proper, and post-event orientation (Slogan Making Contest); the impact of the program in the implementation of the Child-Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School in terms of Enhance Children’s health and well-being; guarantee Safe and Protective Space for Children; and children Participation in School and Community; the strengths and weaknesses of the Program in supporting the objectives of the Child-Friendly Program; the extent of the contribution of the EKASIBATA program to the creation of a safe and nurturing environment for students at Nasugbu East Senior High School; and the recommendation plan can be proposed to further strengthen the effectiveness of the EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School.


The descriptive method of research aimed to determine the 'what' of the phenomenon under study, assessing the effects of activities on the academic performance of Grade 11 students at Nasugbu East Senior High School. This research approach described existing conditions and situations, providing insights into the students' experiences. Descriptive research utilized both qualitative data acquisition and quantitative examination, as outlined by Nassaji (2015). The instrument for data collection was information gathering, which served to record and describe specific individuals, groups, or circumstances. The researcher employed purposive sampling, focusing solely on Grade 11 students as the target population. In the academic year 2023-2024, 65 Grade 11 students from Nasugbu East Senior High School were selected as respondents using purposive sampling. These students were involved in various organizations, including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) 11 (Galileo and Archimedes), HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) 11 (Athena, Aphrodite, Cronus, Hera, and Hermes), ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management) 11 (Weber and Pacioli), and TVL (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood) 11 (Daza, Animation Gates, and Escoffier). Their active participation and class standings were taken into consideration during the selection process.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis.  

1. The assessment of the respondents on the EKASIBATA Program 

     A. Pre-event orientation ("HSK" checklist) 

Table 1 shows the assessment of the respondents to Pre- event orientation (“HSK” Checklist) on EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1.The HSK checklist helped me comprehend the components of a child-friendly school program3.33Strongly Agree
2.The checklist provides me with prior understanding of the Child Friendly School Program3.62Strongly Agree
3.I do believe that the HSK Checklist plays an important role in the implementation of the EKASIBATA Program3.60Strongly Agree
4. I think the checklist is relevant and linked to the program3.42Strongly Agree
5. The HSK Checklist is useful for me and the school to identifying areas for improvement in school infrastructure and policy.3.65Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.52Strongly Agree

Table 1 outlines the pre-event orientation "Happy and Safe Ka” (HSK) Checklist on EKASIBATA Program implemented at Nasugbu East Senior High School garnered a Grand weighted mean of 3.52 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It confirms the overall strong endorsement of the HSK Checklist as a beneficial instrument for guiding and assessing the child-friendly school initiative. This positive reception underscores the practical relevance of the checklist for continuous enhancement of the school environment as per the objectives of the EKASIBATA Program. It was gleaned in the table that the checklist provides the respondents with prior understanding of the Child Friendly School Program garnered a weighted mean of 3.62 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. 

Building on the positive consensus regarding the HSK checklist in the context of the EKASIBATA Program, this related study would investigate the essential components that make a school program successful for high academic achievers (Lam, 2008). By conducting site visits and interviews with key stakeholders such as program coordinators, social workers, and course teachers, researchers would aim to determine the elements critical to program success, which include a clear vision, high-quality curriculum, helpful leadership, positive teacher attitudes, and strong administrative support (Lam, 2008). The study could also draw on school-wide programs aimed at behavioral support to prevent disruptive behaviors, thereby enhancing academic performance and social adjustment (Nelson et al., n.d). The effectiveness of such programs could be evaluated using a comprehensive approach that integrates discipline, tutoring, conflict resolution, family management, and individualized behavior intervention plans through participatory processes. The study could extend its scope to assess the promotion of 24-hour movement guidelines in school-based interventions, thereby targeting the overall well-being and sustainable healthy habits of children (Rodrigo-Sanjoaquín et al., 2020). Another dimension could be the role of teacher–child relationships on preschoolers’ academic readiness. Such a focus would emphasize the importance of social adaptation in fostering a child-friendly and academically conducive environment (Palermo et al., 2007). Considering the practicality of implementation is crucial, therefore, the study might also compare practice-based models with research-based models of social skills interventions for children, particularly focusing on the feasibility and adoption in schools (Comparing a Practice-Based Model with a Research-Based Model of social skills interventions for children with autism in schools., 2019). This comprehensive related study would provide an overarching insight into various aspects of school-based programs that are effectively contributing to creating child-friendly environments that are conducive to both academic and developmental success. 

     B. Seminar Proper 

In the Table 2, shows the assessment of the respondents to Seminar proper on EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1.The content presented during the seminar aligned well with the goals and objectives of the Child-Friendly School Program.3.62Strongly Agree
2.The speakers effectively communicated the key concepts of the EKASIBATA program, which helped me grasp its essence.3.63Strongly Agree
3.Attending the seminar helped me understand the importance of the Child-Friendly School Program.3.63Strongly Agree
4.The seminar enhanced my understanding of how the EKASIBATA program contributes to creating a conducive learning environment.3.66Strongly Agree
5.The duration of the seminar was appropriate.3.52Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.61Strongly Agree

Table 2 outlines the Seminar Proper of EKASIBATA Program implemented at Nasugbu East Senior High school. It was gleaned in the table that the seminar enhanced respondents understanding of how the EKASIBATA program contributes to creating a conducive learning environment garnered a weighted mean of 3.66 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. The Grand Weighted Mean (3.61) incorporates the Strongly Agree perception across all reviewed aspects of the seminar suggesting an overall highly positive evaluation. This cumulative score embodies the attendees' assent that the seminar not only met its educational objectives but did so in a manner that resonated well with its audience, indicating the effectiveness of the seminar in enhancing understanding and appreciation for the Child-Friendly School and EKASIBATA programs. 

This is supported with the study entitled Maximizing Student Learning by J Ron Nelson, Ronald M Martella, and Nancy Marchand-Martella, which evaluates a comprehensive school-wide program that aims to prevent disruptive behaviors and improve academic performance. This program includes elements such as a school-wide discipline program, tutoring in reading, conflict resolution, a family management program, and an individualized, function-based behavior intervention plan. The findings from this evaluation could provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of similar programs, such as the EKASIBATA program, suggesting that multi-faceted, school-based interventions can have a positive impact on student behavior and performance (Nelson et al., n.d). The agreement on the effectiveness of the seminar could be supported by citing how comprehensive programs with clearly communicated objectives and a multi-element approach can contribute significantly to improving educational outcomes and student experiences, which is consistent with the findings of Nelson et al. in their study. 

     C. Post-Event Program (Slogan Making Contest) 

Table 3 shows the assessment of the respondents to Post-event orientation (Slogan Making contest) on EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Slogan Making Contest is an effective approach to addressing problems in schools and fostering a child-friendly environment.3.51Strongly Agree
2. Participating in the Slogan Making Contest encourages me to unleash my creativity and enhance my critical thinking skills.3.51Strongly Agree
3. Creating slogans allows me to express my concerns and ideas on how to make schools more child-friendly in a meaningful way.3.58Strongly Agree
4. Through the Slogan Making Contest, I can help raise awareness about important issues impacting students' well-being and education.3.54Strongly Agree
5. I'm confident that implementing the winning slogan in schools can lead to tangible improvements in creating a child-friendly environment.3.52Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.93Strongly Agree

Table 3 outlines the post- evet orientation (Slogan Making Contest) on EKASIBATA Program implemented at Nasugbu East Senior High School garnered a Grand weighted mean of 3.93 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It implies a general strong affirmation of the efficacy of the Slogan Making Contest as an educational and expressive tool within the school setting. Participants' responses demonstrate a collective endorsement that these activities contribute positively to the school environment and student engagement. It was gleaned in the table that creating slogans allows respondents to express their concerns and ideas on how to make schools more child-friendly in a meaningful way garnered a weighted mean of 3.58 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. 

This is supported with the study entitled "Designing Creative Pedagogies Through the Use of ICT in Secondary Education" by Eva Brooks, Nanna Borum, and Torben Rosenørn (Brooks et al., 2014). This study explores how integrating technology and creativity in educational practices can be used to design creative learning environments that foster student engagement and higher order thinking skills. The positive outcomes associated with creative projects or contests as indicated by the provided data can be reinforced by the findings of Brooks et al., which propose that when creativity is intentionally incorporated into pedagogical strategies, it can enhance the educational experience and promote a richer learning environment. 

2. The impact of EKASIBATA Program in the implementation of the Child-Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School Enhance Children's Health and Well-being   

Table 4 shows the impact of EKASIBATA Program in the implementation of the Child-Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School in terms of Enhance Children’s Health and Well-Being including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Promoting a by group activity it helps me to enhance my socialization skills among others and improve my critical thinking.3.74Strongly Agree
2. This program can enhance my academic performance by reducing stress, increasing motivation, and fostering a love for learning.3.51Strongly Agree
3. This program helps me to foster a sense of belonging and community among students, which can boost self-esteem, confidence, and overall happiness.3.45Agree
4. Creating a safe and encouraging environment is crucial for fostering my mental health by providing a supportive atmosphere.3.57Strongly Agree
5.It often emphasize the development of my social skills such as teamwork, communication, and empathy.3.60Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.57Strongly Agree

Table 4 outlines the enhanced children health and well-being as a part of the impact of EKASIBATA Program with overall Grand weighted mean of 3.57 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It indicates a high level of satisfaction and agreement among respondents regarding the program's ability to positively impact various aspects of their personal and academic lives. It was gleaned that promoting a by group activity helps respondents to enhance their socialization skills among others and improve respondents critical thinking garnered a weighted mean of 3.77 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. 

It was supported by the study entitled "The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Academic Achievement and Knowledge Retention" by Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (1998). This study investigated the effects of cooperative learning, which often involves group activities, on academic achievement and knowledge retention among students. Johnson et al. (1998) found that cooperative learning methods, including group activities, significantly improved students' academic performance and knowledge retention compared to traditional instructional approaches. They noted that through collaborative activities, students were able to engage in meaningful interactions, share perspectives, and collectively solve problems, which fostered the development of critical thinking skills and enhanced socialization. Johnson et al. (1998) provides empirical support for the assertion that group activities, such as those highlighted in Table 4 of the EKASIBATA Program evaluation, can indeed contribute to the enhancement of socialization skills and critical thinking among students.Top of Form 

B. Guarantee Safe and Protective Space for Children 

Table 5 shows the impact of EKASIBATA Program in the implementation of the Child-Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School in terms of Guarantee Safe and Protective Space for Children including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. EKASIBATA Program has access to safe and protective places in our community, such as recreational areas, is crucial for promoting my physical and emotional well-being.3.65Strongly Agree
2. It is acceptable for children to be exposed to risks and dangers in their environment.3.31Agree
3. EKASIBATA Program has contributed to creating awareness and fostering a culture of safety and protection for children within the community.3.6Strongly Agree
4. EKASIBATA Program discuss the safe and protective spaces for children are of utmost important in educational institutions.3.57Strongly Agree
5.The EKASIBATA Program adequately addresses the specific needs and vulnerabilities of children in educational settings3.58Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.54Strongly Agree

Table 5 outlines the guarantee safe and protective space for children one of the impacts of EKASIBATA Program garnered a Grand weighted mean of 3.54 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It suggests a high level of satisfaction and agreement among respondents regarding the program's efforts in promoting safety and protection for children within the community, as well as within educational environments. It was gleaned that EKASIBATA Program has access to safe and protective places in our community, such as recreational areas, is crucial for promoting respondent physical and emotional well-being garnered a weighted mean of 3.65 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. 

It is supported by the study entitled "The Influence of Physical and Social Neighborhood Environments on Children's Health and Well-being" by Sugiyama, Carver, and Middleton (2014). This study investigated the impact of neighborhood environments on children's health and well-being, particularly focusing on the role of access to safe and protective spaces. Sugiyama et al. (2014) found that access to safe and supportive neighborhood environments, including recreational areas and green spaces, was positively associated with children's physical health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. They emphasized the importance of creating environments that facilitate safe outdoor play and social interactions, as these factors contribute significantly to children's development and overall health outcomes. Sugiyama et al. (2014) provides empirical support for the assertion that access to safe and protective spaces, as emphasized in the findings of the EKASIBATA Program evaluation, is crucial for promoting children's physical and emotional well-being within the community.

C. Children Participation in School and Community 

Table 6 shows the impact of EKASIBATA Program in the implementation of the Child-Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School in terms of Children Participation in School and Community including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. I have developed a strong sense of motivation to pursue excellence in all aspects of my academic.3.48Agree
2. I have seen improvements in how I interact with others3.57Strongly Agree
3. I consider the impact of this statement on my academic performance, attendance, and eagerness to come to school,3.49Agree
4. I understand the subject matter but also develop important communication and teamwork skills that are valuable in both academic and real-world settings.3.63Strongly Agree
5. I actively engage in discussions, group activities, and hands-on experiences.3.51Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.54Strongly Agree

Table 6 outlines the children’s participation in school and community part of the impact of EKASIBATA Program implemented at Nasugbu East Senior High School garnered a Grand weighted mean of 3.54 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It underscores a strong consensus among respondents regarding the program's positive influence on their academic motivation, interpersonal skills, academic engagement, subject matter understanding, and active participation in various activities. It was gleaned that the respondents understand the subject matter but also develop important communication and teamwork skills that are valuable in both academic and real-world settings garnered a weighted mean of 3.63 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. 

It is related to the study entitled “The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on Academic Achievement" by Fredricks and Eccles (2006). This study investigated the relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and academic achievement among adolescents. Fredricks and Eccles (2006) found that engagement in extracurricular activities, such as discussions, group activities, and hands-on experiences, was positively associated with academic motivation, interpersonal skills development, and overall academic engagement. They emphasized that involvement in diverse activities outside of the traditional classroom setting fosters a sense of belonging, enhances social skills, and promotes intrinsic motivation, all of which contribute to improved academic outcomes. Fredricks and Eccles (2006) provides empirical support for the assertion that participation in activities similar to those highlighted in the findings of the program evaluation can indeed have a positive impact on academic motivation, interpersonal skills, and engagement among students.

3. The strengths and weaknesses of the EKASIBATA Program in supporting the objectives of the Child-Friendly Program A. Strengths of EKASIBATA Program 

Table 7 shows the Strengths of EKASIBATA Program in supporting the objectives of the Child-Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. I believe that this program may create a positive and supportive learning environment.3.77Strongly Agree
2. It encourages me to express myself and my creativity inside the campus.3.54Strongly Agree
3.It addressed my needs, interests, and rights of being a student.3.54Strongly Agree
4. I feel comfortable, respected, and protected from any form of harm or discrimination within the campus.3.60Strongly Agree
5.I understand the objective of the child friendly school program.3.63Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.62Strongly Agree

Table 7 shows the Strengths of EKASIBATA Program implemented at Nasugbu East Senior High School garnered a Grand weighted mean of 3.62 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It reveals a strong consensus among respondents regarding the program's effectiveness in creating a positive, supportive, and inclusive learning environment within the campus, as well as its success in addressing the diverse needs and rights of students. It gleaned that respondents believe that EKASIBATA Program may create a positive and supportive learning environment garnered a weighted mean of 5.77 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. 

This was supported by the idea of Jatkauskienė, (2018) and Venugopal-Wairagade, (2016) A range of studies have found that various programs can create a positive and supportive learning environment. Both highlight the importance of a supportive environment in improving student outcomes and engagement. 

B. Weaknesses of EKASIBATA Program        

Table 8 shows the Weaknesses of EKASIBATA Program in supporting the objectives of the Child-Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1.It does no prioritized my happiness and well-being.2.83Agree
2. It has lack of effective collaboration with the educational institutions and organizations.3.06Agree
3. It fails to address the issue of my mental health and bullying inside the campus.2.69Agree
4. I know that this program will not prioritize my education and awareness regarding to my rights.2.98Agree
5. I know that this program cannot prioritize my safety and security inside the campus.2.68Agree
Grand Weighted Mean2.85Agree

Table 8 shows the different weaknesses of EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School with the overall Grand weighted mean of 2.85 and verbally interpreted as Agree. It was gleaned that EKASIBATA Program lacks effective collaboration with the educational institutions and organizations as one of the weaknesses of the program garnered a weighted mean of 3.09 and verbally interpreted as Agree. 

It was supported by the claims of Triyono, (2013) that EKASIBATA Program, which aims to provide deeper understanding, faces challenges in reaching its target audience due to communication level and lack of awareness about the program. 

4. The extent of the contribution of the EKASIBATA program to the creation of a safe and nurturing environment for students at Nasugbu East Senior High School   

Table 9 shows extent of the contribution of the EKASIBATA program to the creation of a safe and nurturing environment for students at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. The EKASIBATA program has significantly improved the physical safety measures within the school premises.3.62Strongly Agree
2. Students participating in the EKASIBATA program exhibit increased awareness of safety protocols and practices.3.58Strongly Agree
3. The implementation of the EKASIBATA program has led to a noticeable decrease in bullying incidents among students.3.34Strongly Agree
4. Teachers and staff members actively engage in promoting a nurturing environment as a result of the EKASIBATA program.3.57Strongly Agree
5. Student involvement in decision-making processes regarding safety issues has increased due to the EKASIBATA program.3.52Strongly Agree
6. The EKASIBATA program has facilitated better communication channels between students, teachers, and school administration regarding safety concerns.3.52Strongly Agree
7. The EKASIBATA program has effectively addressed environmental hazards within the school premises, enhancing the overall safety of students.3.51Strongly Agree
8. Students enrolled in the child-friendly school program feel a greater sense of belonging and security because of the EKASIBATA program.3.63Strongly Agree
9. The EKASIBATA program has contributed to fostering positive relationships among students, promoting a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.3.63Strongly Agree
10. Parents and guardians perceive a noticeable improvement in the safety and well-being of their children attending the school due to the EKASIBATA program.3.63Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.56Strongly Agree

Table 9 outline the extend contribution of the EKASIBATA Program to the creation of a safe and nurturing environment for students at Nasugbu East Senior High School garnered a Grand weighted mean of 3.56 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It was gleaned that students enrolled in the child-friendly school program feel a greater sense of belonging and security because of the EKASIBATA program. The EKASIBATA program has contributed to fostering positive relationships among students, promoting a supportive and inclusive atmosphere and parents and guardians perceive a noticeable improvement in the safety and well-being of their children attending the school due to the EKASIBATA program. These three indicators got the same weighted mean of 3.63 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree.                 

The study by Lian, (2018) Suharjuddin, (2021) and Erdianti, (2020) which further addressed this idea and concluded that child-friendly schools have been shown to provide space for creativity, ensure students' rights, and protect them from violence and discrimination. León-Jiménez (2020) further supported this, highlighting the role of successful educational actions in promoting friendship and empathy, which are crucial for a safe and supportive school environment. McGrath (2010) and Ridge (2003) both underscored the significance of peer relationships and the challenges in building positive relationships, respectively, further emphasizing the impact of the EKASIBATA program in addressing these issues. A study conducted by Dubroja (2016) further supports this, showing that positive education programs for parents can improve their well-being and connection with the school. 

5. The recommendation plan can be proposed to further strengthen the effectiveness of the EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School   

Based on the findings, a comprehensive recommendation plan can be proposed to further fortify the effectiveness of the EKASIBATA Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School:

Incorporate Comprehensive TrainingImplement specialized training sessions for teachers, staff, and program facilitators to enhance their understanding of child-friendly principles and effective implementation strategies. This training should encompass topics such as child rights, inclusivity, diversity, and trauma-informed practices to ensure a holistic approach to student support.
Establish Student Support NetworksFoster the creation of peer support networks or mentorship programs to provide students with avenues for emotional support, guidance, and advocacy. These networks can be instrumental in promoting a sense of belonging, resilience, and mutual empowerment among students, contributing to a more supportive and inclusive school culture.
Expand Parent and Community EngagementStrengthen partnerships with parents, guardians, and community stakeholders to foster greater involvement in the EKASIBATA Program. This can include organizing regular parent forums, community workshops, and outreach events to raise awareness about the program's objectives, solicit feedback, and encourage collaborative efforts in supporting students' holistic development.
Diversify Program OfferingsIntroduce a wider range of program initiatives and activities tailored to address diverse student needs and interests. This may include expanding extracurricular options, organizing cultural events, wellness workshops, and career exploration programs to provide students with opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and exploration of their passions.
Implement Continuous EvaluationEstablish a systematic process for ongoing program evaluation and feedback collection to monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and measure the program's impact on student outcomes. Regular assessments should involve stakeholders at all levels, including students, teachers, parents, and community members, to ensure that the program remains responsive to evolving needs and priorities.


Action Plan 

SCHOOL YEAR 2024 TO 2025

The school has developed a comprehensive set of activities aimed at fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all students. These activities address various aspects of student well-being and community engagement. Firstly, there is the "Crown of the Queens: LGBTQIA+ Pageant," designed to provide a platform for LGBTQIA+ individuals to showcase their identities, boost self-esteem, and promote understanding and acceptance within the school community. Secondly, the orientation of PTA organizations, student government, and school personnel on the Child-Friendly School Program aims to align stakeholders with the program's goals and principles, encouraging collaboration to create a supportive environment. Thirdly, the "Pambansang Paglikha ng Sining" art exhibit showcases artwork created by students with disabilities, providing opportunities for expression and raising awareness of their talents. Fourthly, "Project LLY (Linisi, Likas, Yaman)" organizes a cleaning operation to improve the cleanliness of the school environment, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership among students and engaging the broader community. Lastly, the "Color Fun Run" promotes belonging and camaraderie among students through an engaging and inclusive event that encourages participation from all abilities and backgrounds. Overall, these activities reflect a commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion, and community engagement within the school environment, enhancing student well-being, and fostering a positive school culture.


The following statements are conclusions drawn from the finding: 

  1. Checklists are an efficient technique to provide previous information and insights regarding a child-friendly program. Furthermore, the seminar improved students' comprehension of how the EKASIBATA program helps to create a favorable learning environment. And using slogans as a seminar activity helps students to communicate their concerns and suggestions for making schools more child-friendly in a meaningful way.
  2. The EKASIBATA Program promotes group activities that assist pupils strengthen their socialization skills and critical thinking. Furthermore, the EKASIBATA Program provides access to secure and protective environments in our community, such as recreational grounds, which is critical for enhancing my physical and mental well-being. Students not only grasp the subject content, but they also learn key communication and teamwork skills that will be useful in both academic and real-world contexts.
  3. Students think that the EKASIBATA Program can generate a happy and supportive learning atmosphere, which is one of its strengths. However, the program's weakness is that it lacks effective collaboration with educational institutions and organizations.
  4. The EKASIBATA program has contributed to fostering positive relationships among students, promoting a supportive and inclusive environment, and parents and guardians perceive a noticeable improvement in the safety and well-being of their children attending the school as a result of the program's extent contribution.
  5. The information provides events and initiatives that promote inclusivity, creativity, and belonging in the school community. These include the LGBTQIA+ pageant, the Child-Friendly School Program orientation, the national art exhibition of students with disabilities, the cleaning operation, and the color fun run, all aimed at fostering understanding, acceptance, and a sense of community.


From the result of the study which was to assess the effectiveness of EKASIBATA Program supporting the Child Friendly Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School, these are the recommendations of the researcher to the beneficiary of this study. 

1. School staff should continue utilizing checklists as an efficient technique to provide previous information and insights regarding child-friendly programs. 

2. Individuals, especially students, actively participate in such programs; engaging in group activities that foster socialization and critical thinking can have numerous benefits for personal growth and development. 

3. Program incorporates specific modules or workshops focused on educating students about their rights and responsibilities. And communicate to the organization in school with regards in child friendly program. 

4. To regularly assess the impact of the EKASIBATA program, it is crucial to conduct continuous evaluations through feedback from students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders. This evaluation should focus on measuring changes in student behavior, academic performance, sense of belonging, and overall well-being. 

5. The school should continue organizing events promoting inclusivity and diversity, incorporating educational elements, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, and regularly assessing the impact of these initiatives. Expanding the scope of these events and involving external community members can further enrich the experiences and opportunities for students and staff.

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