30 Apr


This study investigated the impact of Project THREADS, a clothing preference initiative, on students' fashion sense, clothing type selection, and self-expression at Nasugbu East Senior High School. Employing a descriptive research method, data were collected from 65 purposively sampled students during the academic year 2023-2024. Results revealed that the majority of respondents were aged 16 and above, with a significant representation of females. Findings indicated strong agreement among students regarding the positive influence of Project THREADS on shaping fashion sense, choosing clothing types, and expressing oneself. Additionally, participants recognized the program's role in enhancing their understanding of proper attire and its importance in school settings. Recommendations included broader age-range surveys, gender-specific training for educators, longitudinal studies, and socio-economic analysis for future research. This study contributed valuable insights into the effectiveness of clothing preference initiatives in educational settings, with implications for student development and well-being. 

Keywords: Project THREADS, clothing preferences, perception, proper attire


In contemporary society, uniforms have undergone influences from prevailing fashion trends, significantly impacting the lives of individuals, particularly students. While the overarching policy stipulates that the wearing of school uniforms shall not be obligatory in public schools, as outlined in DepEd Order No. 45 s. 2008, it became imperative to furnish guidance regarding appropriate school attire. It was emphasized that a student's attire should mirror respect for the educational institution as a center for learning. The promotion of physical hygiene and the maintenance of proper school decorum were deemed integral components of the educational process within schools. Hence, it was expected that a student's attire and physical appearance would reflect the assimilation of principles learned through this process. Furthermore, the directive allowed students with existing uniforms to continue wearing them at their discretion. Notably, the adoption of ostentatious or expensive clothing bearing signature or designer labels, as well as attire such as tight-fitting pants, blouses or dresses of miniskirt length, short shorts, blouses featuring plunging necklines, boy's hip-hop pants, and sleepwear, was discouraged among students. 

Additionally, the Department of Education (DepEd) established guidelines for "proper school attire" as an alternative to uniforms through DepEd Order 46, s. 2008. This order delineated suggested attire for both elementary and secondary students, encompassing items such as polo shirts for boys and dresses or blouses for girls. Moreover, the directive underscored that a student's attire should not serve as a basis for discrimination, particularly among students hailing from lower socio-economic strata, as articulated by philstar.com. 

According to Chandel, Payal Kanwar, and Sharma, Yogita (2021), clothing transcends its mere function as a physical covering of natural or synthetic materials. It serves as a reflection of an individual's mindset, individuality, principles, and persona, which they project to the world, symbolizing their essence. This psychological dimension necessitates a method of measurement. The study aimed to explore the factors shaping clothing preferences among young adults and develop a Clothing Preference Scale (CPS) to evaluate students' clothing choices. The researchers perceived clothing as a manifestation of attitudes, identities, values, and personalities, transforming it into a complex psychological phenomenon. Thus, the development of a precise measurement tool became imperative to assess an individual's Clothing Preference accurately. The study focused on understanding the motivations, influences, and considerations guiding young adults' clothing choices. 

According to Oliver, Marder, Erz, and Kietzmann (2022), the choice between dressing formally or informally as an academic presents a trade-off in managing impressions toward students. However, the existing literature offers mixed results. Their research represented the first focused investigation into the effects of academic dress formality on the 'big two' of impression formation: perceptions of warmth and competence. Moreover, the study demonstrated that perceptions of competence could be influenced by other informational cues, such as success communication and discipline norms, which could mitigate negative effects associated with dress informality. The study provided implications for practitioners in higher education. 

However, a newly emerging psychological factor in clothing preference was identified as the cosmopolitan attitude of individuals, closely linked to self-esteem, as elucidated by Arora and Aggarwal (2018). Their research recognized clothing as fulfilling a diverse array of physiological, psychological, and social needs. They found that these factors are multidimensional and interdependent in nature. Mood emerged as a significant influencer of clothing preference, and conversely, clothing choices could impact mood. In conclusion, they highlighted that no single factor can be solely responsible for clothing preference; rather, each factor holds its own importance and affects individuals differently based on age-group and sex. 

To deepen understanding in this area, researchers developed Project THREADS (Thoughts, Reflections, and Expressions of Attire Diversity in Schools). This initiative was crafted to assess the clothing preferences of the student populace, allowing for the quantification and analysis of preferences to glean insights into the psychology of clothing choice. The project aimed to elucidate how clothing preference can be influenced and evolves over time, ultimately seeking to deepen comprehension of the role of clothing in self-expression and identity formation. It entailed identifying demographic profiles in terms of age and gender, examining learners' perceptions of Project THREADS - particularly its impact on shaping fashion sense, selecting clothing types, and expressing oneself. Furthermore, it evaluated the program's effect on students' clothing preferences and sought recommendations from students on enhancing and expanding Project THREADS to better cater to their clothing preferences and needs. Through these inquiries, the research aimed to provide valuable insights for the continued development and improvement of Project THREADS initiatives.


The descriptive research method, employed to gather data concerning current and existing conditions pertinent to the selected field of study, was utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of Project THREADS on students' clothing preferences at Nasugbu East Senior High School. Descriptive research endeavors to provide an accurate and systematic depiction of a population, situation, or phenomenon (McCombes, 2023). This involves collecting information to serve as a comprehensive record or description of specific individuals, groups, or circumstances. Purposive sampling was employed by the researchers, as it proved to be a more cost-effective approach. Consequently, 65 students from Nasugbu East Senior High School were selected utilizing this purposive sampling technique during the academic year 2023–2024.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis. 

1. The demographic profile of the respondents 

     a. Age

16 and below3046%
16 Above3554%

Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

This table shows that the most significant number of respondents is the age of over 16, with a total number of 35. Such a generation accounts for 35% of the total number of respondents. In addition, the most significant frequency of respondents in terms of age comes from those aged below 16, accounting for 30 and 30% of the total number of respondents.

     b. Gender

Table 2 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their gender including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

Distribution of respondents in terms of gender


Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents according to gender. When the respondents are grouped according to their gender, female respondents comprised a more significant number than male and LGBT respondents, 36%, 20% and 9% of the total respondents, respectively.  

2. The perception of the learners about the implementation of Project THREADS 

     a. Shaping fashion sense

Table 3 shows the perception of the learners about the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of shaping fashion sense with its weighted mean and interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. I think that Project THREADS has influenced the way I wear clothes.4.45Strongly Agree
2.  I find myself more confident in expressing my personal style since participating in Project THREADS.4.10Agree
3.  I believe the guidance provided in Project THREADS has been instrumental in helping me understand fashion trends.4.40Strongly Agree
4.   My personal style has improved greatly as a result of the comments and guidance I received during Project THREADS.4.31Strongly Agree
5. I believe I am more confident in expressing my personal style since participating in Project THREADS.4.35Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.30Strongly Agree 

This table shows the different perception of learners about the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of shaping fashion trends. The highest weighted mean of 4.45 that showed that Project THREADS has influenced the way the respondents wear clothes. With an overall mean score of 4.3 means strongly agree in the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of shaping fashion trends. 

According to Margaret Lloyd and Wright-Brough (2023), the formality of an instructor's attire affects students' perceptions of the instructor's warmth and competence. The study found that while informality in dress had a positive impact on perceptions of warmth, perceptions of competence were influenced by other information cues such as communicated success and discipline norms. It also found that these perceptions of warmth and competence had consequences for students’ evaluations of instructors and students’ behavioral intentions to enroll in a course.

     b. Choosing clothing type

In Table 4, it shows the perception of the learners about the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of choosing clothing type with its weighted mean and interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1.  Project THREADS helped me make more informed choices when selecting clothing types.4.51Strongly Agree
2. Participating in Project THREADS provided valuable guidance in understanding which clothing types suit me best.4.52Strongly Agree
3. I am fully committed to the notion that Project THREADS has empowered me to make intentional choices regarding clothing types.4.30Strongly Agree
4. Project THREADS has enhanced my ability to discern between different clothing types and their appropriateness for various occasions.4.20Agree
5.  Project THREADS gave me the ability to assess different clothes kinds according to how comfortable and functional they are.4.51Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.40Strongly Agree 

This table shows the different perception of learners about the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of choosing clothing type. The highest weighted mean of 4.52 that showed that participating in Project THREADS provided valuable guidance in understanding which clothing types suit the best. With an overall mean score of 4.40 means strongly agree in the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of choosing clothing type.             

According to Carr, Lavin, and Davies (2019), dress has had the influences on the perceptions of viewers whether students or outsiders, is more than just a wearing. At first instance, the outlook imposes a very positive expectation subjective to the likeliness and behavior pattern of the students. A positive impression ultimately imposes a positive atmosphere of learning toward the students’ mind. How the dress usually influences the learning of students depending on students’ attitude. 

     c. Expressing oneself

Table 5 shows the shows the perception of the learners about the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of expressing oneself with its weighted mean and interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1.  Project THREADS has encouraged me to embrace my unique identity and express it through my clothing choices.4.30Strongly Agree
2. Project THREADS has fostered a supportive environment where I feel comfortable expressing myself without fear of judgment.4.30Strongly Agree
3.  Project THREADS has empowered me to be more confident and self-assured in expressing myself through my fashion choices.4.30Strongly Agree
4.  Project THREADS has helped me develop a strong sense of identity and self-confidence through choosing proper attire.4.40Strongly Agree
5.  Project THREADS has encouraged me to be bold and fearless in expressing my individuality through my clothing.4.30Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.40Strongly Agree

This table shows the different perception of learners about the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of expressing oneself. The highest weighted mean of 4.4 that showed that Project THREADS has helped them develop a strong sense of identity and self-confidence through choosing proper attire. An overall mean score of 4.40 means strongly agree with the implementation of Project THREADS in terms of expressing oneself. 

According to Johnson, Lennon, and Rudd (2014), the study examines the effects of participating in a fashion design project on students' self-confidence and sense of identity. It explores how engaging in creative processes, experimenting with textiles, and expressing individuality through fashion choices can contribute to the development of self-confidence and a strong sense of identity. The study highlights the transformative power of fashion design projects in empowering students to embrace their uniqueness and gain confidence in their abilities. 

3. The impact of Project THREADS on the clothing preferences of the students 

Table 6 shows the impact of Project THREADS on the clothing preferences of the students with its weighted mean and interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Project THREADS has significantly influenced my clothing preferences.4.20Agree
2. Project THREADS has played a pivotal role in shaping my current clothing preferences.4.20Agree
3. This project really helps me to realize the importance of wearing proper attire in school.4.50Strongly Agree
4. Project THREADS has inspired me to prioritize comfort and functionality in my clothing preferences4.49Strongly Agree
5. I think that after participating on this seminar helps me to choose the right attire to be wearing inside the school.4.50Strongly Agree
6. Project THREADS helps me to wear the proper attire in school.4.60Strongly Agree
7. Project THREADS helps me to understand the importance of having a proper grooming and hygiene in school.4.60Strongly Agree
8. Project THREADS helps me to become more aware of the environmental and ethical considerations in fashion, which has influenced my clothing preferences.4.60Strongly Agree
9. Project THREADS encouraged me to be more mindful of the cultural and social implications of my clothing preferences.4.60Strongly Agree
10. I think Project THREADS helps me to understand the benefits of wearing proper attire inside the schools.4.70Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.40Strongly Agree


This table shows the impact of Project THREADS on the clothing preferences of the students. The highest weighted mean of 4.7 showed that Project THREADS has helped them understand the benefits of wearing proper attire inside the schools. With an overall mean score of 4.4 means strongly agree in the impact of the project on the clothing preferences of the students. 

According to Behling and Williams (2019), uniform use in public schools is rising, but we know little about how they affect students. Using a unique dataset from a large urban school district in the southwest United States, we assess how uniforms affect behavior, achievement, and other outcomes. Each school in the district determines adoption independently, providing variation over schools and time. By including student and school fixed effects we find evidence that uniform adoption improves attendance in secondary grades, while in elementary schools they generate large increases in teacher retention. 

4. The recommendations do students have for improving and expanding Project THREADS to better meet their clothing preferences and needs   

Table 5 shows the feedback and recommendations of the participants to improve and expand Project THREADS with its weighted mean and interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. I think that they should incorporate interactive sessions such as Q&A, group discussion, and workshops to encourage participation.4.30Strongly Agree
2. Invite speakers from diverse backgrounds to provide a well-rounded perspective on the seminar topics.4.40Strongly Agree
3. I believe that they should include practical exercises that allow participants to apply the knowledge gained during the seminar to real-life scenarios.4.40Strongly Agree
4. I think that they should provide participants with accessible materials such as handouts, presentations, or online resources to supplement the seminar content.4.40Strongly Agree
5. I believe that they should ensure efficient time management by adhering to a well-defined schedule with clearly outlined session timings and breaks.4.40Strongly Agree
6. Provide clear communication regarding seminar logistics, expectations, and objectives before the event to ensure that participants are well-prepared and know what to expect.4.46Strongly Agree
7. I think that offering opportunities for our professional development, such as certifications and continuing education credits, will add value for participants beyond the seminar itself.4.50Strongly Agree
8. I think that should facilitate opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and knowledge sharing through structured group activities or collaborative projects.4.30Strongly Agree
9. I think they should tailor contents that will help us to meet our specific needs and interest.4.30Strongly Agree
10. I believe that they should have a follow-up explanation for every topic that they’ve discussed.4.40Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.50Strongly Agree

This table shows the feedback and recommendations of the participants to improve and expand Project THREADS. The highest weighted mean of 4.50 that showed offering opportunities for professional development, such as certifications and continuing education credits, will add value for participants beyond the seminar itself. With an overall mean score of 4.50 means strongly agree in the feedback and recommendations of the participants.             

According to Nkasiobi S. Oguzor et al. (2018), the study investigates how continuous opportunities for professional growth contribute significantly to career advancement by enhancing essential skills, expanding knowledge, and developing competencies that employers highly value. By synthesizing these key aspects, professionals are better equipped to seize greater opportunities for promotion and achieve substantial professional growth within their respective fields. The findings underscore the pivotal role of continuous professional development in navigating and thriving in the dynamic landscape of the twenty-first-century workforce.


The following statements are conclusions drawn from the finding: 

1.1 The survey primarily captures the perspectives of the 16 above age group, indicating a focus on this specific demographic. 

1.2 The majority of respondents being female have implications for effectiveness of the Project THREADS on clothing preferences of female students in the study.            

1.3 Equal distribution among Grade 11 learners provides a comprehensive view across effectiveness of the project. 

2. The inclusion of perception of learners in implementing Project THREADS in terms of shaping fashion sense, choosing clothing type and expressing oneself reveals that students generally strongly hold agreement about this. They think that Project THREADS influenced the way they wear clothes, it also provides valuable guidance in understanding which clothing types suit the best, and it helped them develop a strong sense of identity and self-confidence through choosing proper attire. 

3. The students strongly agree on the impact of Project THREADS on the clothing preferences of the students, generally hold a strong agreement on how Project THREADS helped participants understand the benefits of wearing proper attire inside the schools. 

4. Students recommended that offering opportunities for professional development, such as certifications and continuing education credits, will add value for participants beyond the seminar itself.


From the result of the study which was to assess the effectiveness of Project THREADS on the clothing preferences of the students at Nasugbu East Senior High School, these are the recommendations of the researcher to the beneficiary of this study: 

1. Students should conduct follow-up surveys targeting a broader age range to assess if the positive impact of Project THREADS on clothing preferences extends beyond the 16 above age group, ensuring inclusivity and relevance for all students. 

2. The teachers should offer specialized training sessions for teachers involved in Project THREADS to address gender-specific clothing preferences, enhancing effectiveness in catering to the needs and preferences of both male and female students. 

3. School should implement a longitudinal study tracking the long-term effects of Project THREADS on students' fashion sense, self-confidence, and academic performance, providing valuable insights into the sustained impact of such initiatives on student development. 

4. Future researchers should explore the socio-economic factors influencing the effectiveness of Project THREADS across different school contexts and demographics, enriching understanding of how external factors shape the outcomes of similar educational interventions.

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