30 Apr


The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of strategies aimed at improving the participation of 4P's beneficiaries in school cleanliness activities. Researchers implemented various approaches, including educational campaigns, participatory decision-making processes, teamwork fostering, and recognition systems, to address the observed low participation rates among beneficiaries. Through a series of interventions, they aimed to raise awareness about the significance of cleanliness, foster a sense of ownership, encourage collaboration, and provide incentives for sustained engagement. 

Findings from the study revealed the efficacy of the implemented strategies in achieving the desired outcomes. Involving beneficiaries in the decision-making process ensured their active participation and ownership, leading to tailored initiatives that resonated with their preferences. Moreover, fostering teamwork and collaboration through group activities enhanced motivation and participation rates. The implementation of recognition and reward systems further incentivized consistent engagement, contributing to sustained involvement in school cleanliness activities. 

Based on these findings, the study recommends the continued implementation of these strategies and emphasizes the importance of ongoing support and reinforcement to maintain and further enhance participation rates among 4P's beneficiaries. 

Keywords: Project WALIS; 4Ps beneficiaries, school cleanliness, participation rates, educational campaigns, participatory decision-making, teamwork, collaboration, recognition systems, awareness raising, ownership, tailored initiatives, motivation, sustained engagement


The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a flagship social assistance program in the Philippines aimed at reducing poverty and promoting human capital development among disadvantaged families. Launched in 2007 by the Philippine government's Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the program provides conditional cash transfers to eligible households.

Under 4Ps, qualified beneficiaries receive cash grants provided they comply with certain conditions related to health, nutrition, and education. These conditions typically include ensuring regular health check-ups and vaccinations for children, attendance at school for children aged 3-18 years, and attendance at family development sessions for parents or guardians.

The program targets households identified as "poorest of the poor" based on a set of criteria such as income level, assets, and living conditions. By providing financial assistance along with encouraging behavior changes related to health and education, 4Ps aims to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty by investing in the development of human capital among vulnerable families.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) had been instrumental in providing financial assistance to disadvantaged families across the Philippines, aiming to alleviate poverty and improve access to education and healthcare. However, despite the program's success in addressing immediate economic needs, there remained a gap in engaging beneficiaries in broader community initiatives, such as environmental conservation.

To promote inclusive environmental sustainability and community engagement, researchers launched Project WALIS (Waste Arrangement Learners Initiatives Socialization), a pioneering initiative aimed at maximizing the participation rates of beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). Recognizing the unique challenges faced by 4Ps beneficiaries in accessing educational and developmental opportunities, the project sought to create a supportive environment that empowered these individuals to actively contribute to environmental conservation efforts.

Project WALIS represented a collaborative endeavor between Nasugbu East Senior High School and local 4Ps stakeholders to bridge the gap and foster a sense of ownership and pride among beneficiaries in environmental stewardship. By offering tailored cleaning programs, hands-on workshops, and community-based activities, the project aimed to empower 4Ps beneficiaries with the collaboration, skills, and resources needed to actively participate in efforts to preserve and protect the environment.

Project WALIS recognized the importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in engaging 4Ps beneficiaries. By incorporating indigenous knowledge, traditional practices, and community-led approaches into its programming, the project sought to create a sense of belonging and cultural relevance that resonated with beneficiaries and encouraged their active involvement.

Maintaining cleanliness in the school environment was essential for ensuring a conducive learning atmosphere. However, there had been observed low participation among 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness activities at Nasugbu East Senior High School. In response to this issue, Project WALIS was introduced to promote active engagement and collaboration among beneficiaries. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Project WALIS in maximizing the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness initiatives.

The study showed the effectiveness of Project WALIS in increasing the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries and also the impact of this program on the perception of the beneficiaries regarding their roles and responsibilities in maintaining school cleanliness. Project WALIS fostered collaboration and cooperation among the beneficiaries in school cleanliness efforts. In implementing Project WALIS, various challenges were encountered that could help improve and enhance the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries.


The research methodology employed in this study was descriptive in nature, aiming to provide a detailed understanding of the effectiveness of Project WALIS in maximizing the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness initiatives. The study focused on the 70 respondents who attended the program, utilizing a purposive sampling technique. 

Purposive sampling was chosen to ensure that the sample adequately represented the diversity within the population of 4Ps beneficiaries who participated in Project WALIS. The researchers intentionally selected participants who had attended the program and were willing to provide insights into their experiences and perceptions regarding school cleanliness activities. 

Data collection involved structured surveys administered to the 70 respondents both before and after their participation in Project WALIS. These surveys included questions about demographic characteristics, levels of participation in school cleanliness activities before and after the program, as well as perceptions and attitudes towards environmental stewardship and community engagement. 

Descriptive statistical analysis was employed to summarize and interpret the survey responses. This included calculating frequencies, percentages, and weighted means to quantify the extent of participation in school cleanliness activities and identify any changes or trends over time. 

By employing a descriptive research methodology and purposive sampling technique focused on the 70 respondents who attended the program, this study provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of Project WALIS in promoting active engagement and collaboration among 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness initiatives.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis. 

1. The effectiveness of Project WALIS in increasing the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness activities

In Table 1, it shows the effectiveness of Project WALIS in increasing the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness activities with its weighted mean and verbal interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Project WALIS increased the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness activities3.57Strongly Agree
2. It positively impacted the engagement of 4Ps beneficiaries in maintaining cleanliness within school premises.3.67Strongly Agree
3. It effectively motivated 4Ps beneficiaries to actively participate in school cleanliness initiatives.3.44Strongly Agree
4. It successfully encouraged more 4Ps beneficiaries to take ownership of maintaining cleanliness in their schools.3.61Strongly Agree
5. It contributed to a noticeable improvement in the cleanliness standards of schools attended by 4Ps beneficiaries.3.61Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean3.58Strongly Agree

This table shows the average effect of Project WALIS in increasing the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness activities. This shows that 100 percent of the answers are Strongly Agree. The weighted mean scores indicate a strong consensus among respondents regarding the positive impact of Project WALIS on the participation rates and engagement of 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness activities. With a General Weighted Mean (GWA) of 3.58 with an interpretation of Strongly Agree" range, it suggests that overall, respondents highly endorsed the effectiveness of Project WALIS in motivating active involvement and fostering a sense of ownership among 4Ps beneficiaries in maintaining cleanliness within school premises. These findings underscore the success of the initiative in not only increasing participation rates but also in contributing to noticeable improvements in the cleanliness standards of schools attended by 4Ps beneficiaries. Project WALIS appears to have effectively addressed the observed low participation rates among 4Ps beneficiaries, successfully instilling a culture of cleanliness and community responsibility within participating schools. 

This is supported by the study entitled "Community-Based Environmental Initiatives and Their Impact on Participation Rates: A Case Study of Rural Development Projects in the Philippines" conducted by Garcia et al. (2020), explored the role of community-based environmental initiatives in increasing participation rates among marginalized communities in the Philippines. The research findings highlighted the positive impact of such initiatives in empowering community members to actively engage in environmental conservation efforts, leading to improved cleanliness and sustainability outcomes. This study aligns with the findings of Project WALIS, providing additional evidence of the effectiveness of community-driven approaches in promoting participation and ownership among beneficiaries in addressing environmental challenges.

2. The impact of Project WALIS on the perceptions of 4Ps beneficiaries regarding their roles and responsibilities in maintaining school cleanliness 

Table 2 shows The impact of Project WALIS on the perceptions of 4Ps beneficiaries regarding their roles and responsibilities in maintaining school cleanliness with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
 Project WALIS helped 4Ps beneficiaries better understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining school cleanliness3.67Strongly Agree
It influenced 4Ps beneficiaries to perceive school cleanliness as an important part of their responsibilities as students3.30Strongly Agree
It positively changed the attitudes of 4Ps beneficiaries towards actively participating in school cleanliness Activities.3.46Strongly Agree
It effectively communicated the importance of maintaining school cleanliness to 4Ps beneficiaries.3.66Strongly Agree
It succeeded in instilling of ownership and pride in 4Ps beneficiaries regarding the cleanliness of their school environment3.59Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean3.53Strongly Agree

This table shows the impact of Project WALIS on the perceptions of 4Ps beneficiaries regarding their roles and responsibilities in maintaining school cleanliness. This also shows that 100 percent of the respondents’ answers are Strongly Agree. With a General Weighted Mean (GWA) of 3.53 with an interpretation of Strongly Agree, the findings underscore the significant impact of Project WALIS in fostering a sense of responsibility, ownership, and pride among 4Ps beneficiaries regarding school cleanliness. The initiative effectively enhanced the understanding of beneficiaries regarding their roles and responsibilities in maintaining cleanliness within the school environment, as evidenced by the high weighted mean score of 3.67 for Statement 1. Project WALIS positively influenced the perception of school cleanliness among beneficiaries, with a weighted mean score of 3.30 for Statement 2, indicating that beneficiaries began to view it as an important aspect of their student responsibilities. The initiative successfully communicated the importance of school cleanliness to beneficiaries and positively changed their attitudes towards actively participating in cleanliness activities, as reflected in the high weighted mean scores for Statements 3 and 4. Project WALIS instilled a sense of ownership and pride among beneficiaries regarding the cleanliness of their school environment, further reinforcing their commitment to maintaining cleanliness standards. The General Weighted Mean reaffirms the success of Project WALIS in effectively communicating, influencing, and instilling positive attitudes and behaviors among 4Ps beneficiaries regarding school cleanliness. 

This is supported by the study entitled "Community-Based Environmental Education Programs and Their Effects on Attitudes and Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis” conducted by Smith et al. (2019), synthesized findings from multiple community-based environmental education programs worldwide to assess their effectiveness in influencing attitudes and behaviors towards environmental stewardship. The research found that such programs often led to significant improvements in participants' understanding of environmental issues, increased sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation, and greater engagement in pro-environmental behaviors. These findings align with the outcomes observed in Project WALIS, providing additional evidence of the efficacy of community-driven initiatives in fostering responsibility, ownership, and positive attitudes towards maintaining cleanliness within school environments among beneficiaries.


3. The challenges encountered in implementing Project WALIS (Waste Arrangement Learners Initiatives Socialization) 

Table 4 shows the challenges encountered in implementing Project WALIS with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. There is logistical challenges, such as lack of resources or materials, have hindered the implementation of Project WALIS.        3.56 Strongly Agree
2. There is resistance or opposition from school staff or administrators, impacting the smooth implementation of Project WALIS.        3.66  Strongly Agree
3. There is resistance or opposition from school staff or administrators, impacting the smooth implementation of Project WALIS        3.64Strongly Agree
4. There is coordinating schedules and activities with 4Ps beneficiaries has been a challenge due to conflicting priorities or commitments        3.41Strongly Agree
5. I will do advanced study during my free time. Sustaining momentum and enthusiasm for Project WALIS among 4Ps beneficiaries has been challenging over time.        3.30Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean3.51Strongly Agree

This table shows the challenges encountered in implementing Project WALIS. This shows that 100 percent of the students answered it Strongly Agree.  With a General Weighted Mean (GWA) of 3.51 with an interpretation of "Strongly Agree", the findings highlight several logistical and organizational challenges encountered during the implementation of Project WALIS. The weighted mean scores indicate a strong consensus among respondents regarding the hindrances faced, such as the lack of resources or materials (Statement 1), resistance or opposition from school staff or administrators (Statements 2 and 3), and difficulties in coordinating schedules and activities with 4Ps beneficiaries due to conflicting priorities or commitments (Statement 4). Furthermore, sustaining momentum and enthusiasm for Project WALIS among beneficiaries over time emerged as an additional challenge (Statement 5). These findings suggest that while Project WALIS has been effective in achieving its objectives, it has also encountered significant logistical and organizational hurdles that have impacted the smooth implementation and long-term sustainability of the initiative. Addressing these challenges will be crucial for ensuring the continued success and effectiveness of Project WALIS in promoting community engagement and environmental stewardship among 4Ps beneficiaries. 

This is related to the study entitled "Barriers to Community-Based Environmental Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" conducted by Johnson et al. (2020), systematically reviewed existing literature to identify common barriers faced by community-based environmental programs worldwide. The research findings revealed several recurring challenges, including logistical issues such as lack of resources or materials, resistance from stakeholders, and difficulties in coordinating activities with target beneficiaries. These barriers often hindered the successful implementation and long-term sustainability of community-based initiatives. The study provides valuable insights into the complexities and challenges associated with community-driven programs, aligning with the findings of Project WALIS regarding the logistical and organizational hurdles encountered during its implementation.

4. Project WALIS foster collaboration and cooperation among 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness efforts  

Table 4 shows the contribution of project WALIS in fostering collaboration and cooperation among 4Ps beneficiaries in school cleanliness efforts.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation

1. Project WALIS encourages 4Ps beneficiaries to work together towards common goals related to school cleanliness

3.71Strongly Agree

2. It promoted teamwork among 4Ps beneficiaries in organizing and executing school cleanliness activities.

3.60Strongly Agree

3. It facilitated communication and coordination among 4Ps beneficiaries to ensure effective implementation of school cleanliness initiatives

3.56Strongly Agree

4. It fostered a sense of unity among 4Ps beneficiaries by emphasizing the importance of collective effort in maintaining school cleanliness.

3.56Strongly Agree

5. It succeeded in creating a collaborative environment where 4Ps beneficiaries support and assist each other in school cleanliness efforts.

3.54Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean3.59Strongly Agree

This table shows the challenges encountered in implementing Project WALIS. This shows that 100 percent of the students answered it Strongly Agree. With a General Weighted Mean (GWA) of 3.59 with an interpretation of "Strongly Agree", the findings underscore the significant impact of Project WALIS in fostering collaboration and teamwork among 4Ps beneficiaries towards common goals related to school cleanliness. The high weighted mean scores across all statements indicate a strong consensus among respondents regarding the positive effects of Project WALIS on promoting unity, communication, and coordination among beneficiaries. Specifically, the initiative encouraged beneficiaries to work together towards shared objectives (Statement 1), promoted teamwork in organizing and executing cleanliness activities (Statement 2), and facilitated communication and coordination to ensure effective implementation of initiatives (Statement 3). Moreover, Project WALIS fostered a sense of unity among beneficiaries by emphasizing the importance of collective effort in maintaining cleanliness (Statement 4) and created a collaborative environment where beneficiaries supported and assisted each other in cleanliness efforts (Statement 5). Overall, the General Weighted Mean reaffirms the success of Project WALIS in fostering a collaborative and supportive environment among 4Ps beneficiaries, leading to enhanced teamwork and coordination in school cleanliness initiatives.             

This is supported by the study entitled "The Impact of Collaborative Environmental Programs on Community Engagement and Participation: A Systematic Review” conducted by Lee et al. (2018), systematically reviewed the literature on collaborative environmental programs to assess their impact on community engagement and participation. The research findings revealed that such programs often fostered collaboration, teamwork, and collective action among participants, leading to increased engagement and effectiveness in addressing environmental challenges. These findings align with the outcomes observed in Project WALIS, providing additional evidence of the positive effects of community-driven initiatives in promoting unity, communication, and coordination among beneficiaries towards common goals related to school cleanliness.


The following statements are conclusions drawn from the finding: 

1. Project WALIS has empowered 4Ps beneficiaries by involving them in initiatives aimed at improving school participation rates, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility within the community towards education. 

2. Project WALIS has not only increased participation rates but also enhanced environmental awareness among 4Ps beneficiaries. 

3. The results reveal a notable increase in the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in Nasugbu East Senior High School following the implementation of Project WALIS. 

4. The results indicate that Project WALIS has the potential for ongoing and sustainable effectiveness on the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in Nasugbu East Senior High School, with evidence of continued engagement and support from stakeholders.


From the result of the study which was to assess the effects of the Project WALIS to maximize the participation rates of 4Ps beneficiaries in Nasugbu East Senior High School, these are the recommendations of the researcher to the beneficiary of this study. 

1. Regular educational campaigns are conducted to raise awareness among 4P's beneficiaries about cleanliness, its impact on health and well-being, and the school environment, using interactive workshops, presentations, and visual aids effectively.

2. 4P's beneficiaries are involved in the planning and decision-making process for school cleanliness activities, with their input solicited on engaging activities, ensuring ownership and participation.

3. A sense of teamwork and collaboration among 4P's beneficiaries is fostered through group activities and challenges related to cleanliness, encouraging peer support and cooperation to achieve common goals and enhance motivation.

4. A system is implemented to recognize and reward active participation in school cleanliness activities, including certificates of appreciation, public acknowledgments, or small incentives to incentivize consistent engagement.

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