30 Apr


This study evaluated the efficacy of Project CAREER (Culminating Activity for Relationship Exploration to Experience Reality) —a career development program designed for Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management students at Nasugbu East Senior High School. Quantitative data from surveys reported student perceptions demonstrating that Project CAREER significantly prepared participants for the challenges and demands of their future careers, with a grand weighted mean score of 4.41/5, indicating overall agreement. The research revealed that 20.9% of students strongly agreed with the program's effectiveness, while 79.1% agreed that it equipped them with requisite tools for career readiness. The program’s structure incorporated career orientation, guidance sessions, an enterprise showcase, and job interview preparation to enable students to explore and prepare for diverse career paths effectively. Despite the positive feedback, some students reported difficulties in decision-making regarding their future careers. This study recommended further enhancements to Project CAREER, encouraging teacher involvement, and emphasizing the program’s direct benefits to student career advancement and personal growth. Future research should delve into student decision-making challenges to optimize career guidance support. 

Keywords: impact, career development, career exploration


Developing a career was a process, not just a destination. Unfortunately, not enough attention was paid to the process required for thoughtful, thorough career development. Students were confronted with substantial career and life decisions at an early age with limited opportunities for career exploration. Over recent years, as a primary role of schools, increasing attention was given to supporting students to envision and prepare for their future careers. Students who were able to plan their future goals indicated more motivation in learning, in comparison to those who could not clearly connect the present to the future (Simons, Vansteenkiste, Lens, & Lacante, 2004). In the typical high school, students were expected to choose and follow a program of study (POS) that would prepare them to exit high school with the skills necessary to continue their education and to enter the workforce. Career and technical education (CTE) students were often required to choose specific occupational areas even though many did not continue the same career emphasis upon completing high school (Bishop, 1989; Levesque et al., 2008). The CTE students' POS consisted of an occupational track with rigorous academic and CTE courses; these were sometimes referred to as career clusters. Too often, however, these students were offered few opportunities to engage in career exploration and were given little useful information with respect to postsecondary options (Dykeman et al., 2003). The result was that career development was often a byproduct of educational curriculum, with a figure-it-out-as-you-go-along mentality prevalent among educators and students regarding career exploration. 

In the journey of education, students encountered pivotal moments where they had to choose their path forward, often symbolized by three exits: career, work, and business. These exits represented distinct avenues through which individuals navigated their professional lives, each demanding unique skills, knowledge, and decision-making processes. As Grade 12 students at Nasugbu East Senior High School stood at the threshold of these exits, the significance of effective career development initiatives became evident. 

The transition from high school to post-graduation endeavors was a critical juncture wherein students not only envisioned their future career trajectories but also equipped themselves with the requisite tools and resources to succeed in their chosen paths. Amidst this landscape, Project CAREER emerged as a beacon of guidance and support, offering students a structured framework to explore, evaluate, and prepare for their future endeavors. 

Project CAREER, aptly named as the Culminating Activity for Relationship Exploration to Experience Reality, represented more than an academic program; it embodied a holistic approach to career development, encompassing elements of self-discovery, skill-building, and real-world application. By immersing Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management students in a comprehensive curriculum tailored to their specific needs and aspirations, Project CAREER aimed to empower participants to make informed decisions regarding their career, work, and business paths. 

As the assessment of Project CAREER's impact on the future career development of Grade 12 students unfolded, it was essential to recognize the multifaceted nature of their professional aspirations. For some, the allure of traditional career paths beckoned, leading to further education and specialization in fields such as accounting, business administration, or management. Others opted for the immediacy of employment, seeking entry-level positions in various industries to gain practical experience and financial independence. Additionally, a subset of students harbored entrepreneurial ambitions, envisioning ventures that harnessed their creativity, innovation, and business acumen. 

In light of these diverse aspirations, the assessment of Project CAREER's effectiveness extended beyond traditional metrics of academic performance to encompass broader indicators of career readiness, adaptability, and entrepreneurial mindset. By examining the experiences, perceptions, and outcomes of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management students who had participated in Project CAREER, this research endeavored to shed light on the program's efficacy in preparing students for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. 

Through a comprehensive evaluation of Project CAREER's impact on student decision-making processes, career exploration endeavors, and preparedness for the dynamic demands of the modern workforce, this study provided actionable insights for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders invested in nurturing the next generation of professionals and entrepreneurs. By illuminating the pathways to career, work, and business success, Project CAREER strived to empower Grade 12 students at Nasugbu East Senior High School to embark on their journeys with confidence, purpose, and vision.


The current study adopted a quantitative research strategy and was designed in a descriptive manner. Descriptive research was a study design in which data was acquired qualitatively and examined quantitatively (Nassaji, 2015). It was a scientific practice that involved observing a sampling population in its natural environment. To reiterate, the descriptive research approach sought to determine the ‘what’ of a phenomenon. Data was acquired qualitatively and analyzed quantitatively in this manner. Data was gathered using methods such as surveys, interviews, correlation studies, observation studies, and content analysis. Furthermore, the observer did not intervene in the observation process or alter any of the study’s variables (Lambert & Lambert, 2013). The researcher evaluated the capstone research project teaching practices of science senior high school teachers in this study. Participants in this study were Accountancy, Business, and Management students. Census sampling was adhered to by the researcher since the target outcome was solely solicited from the 95 students. Census sampling, also known as a census survey or a complete enumeration, involved collecting data from every member of the population rather than selecting a sample from the population. In other words, census sampling aimed to survey every individual or element within the target population. Census sampling was often used in situations where the population size was relatively small or manageable, or when resources and time allowed for the examination of each unit in the population. It ensured that there was no sampling error since every member of the population was included in the study.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis. 

1. Perception of students regarding the relevance and applicability of the lessons and experiences acquired from Project CAREER to their future career paths            

A. College        

Table 1.1 shows the perception of students regarding the relevance and applicability of the lessons and experiences acquired from Project CAREER to their career paths in terms of college including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Project CAREER will be applicable to my college experience4.68Strongly Agree
2.  Has prepared me for the challenges ahead in my college journey4.34 Agree
3. Has equipped me with valuable skills for college and beyond4.34Agree
4. Has equipped me with valuable skills for college and beyond4.29Agree
5. Will lead to successful outcomes in my college endeavors4.25Agree
               Grand Weighted Mean 4.44Agree

The table shows the average perception of students regarding the relevance and applicability of the lessons and experiences acquired from Project CAREER to their career paths in terms of college. It indicated that 19 percent of the answers strongly agreed, while 81 percent agreed. The highest weighted mean from the recommended solution was that Project CAREER would be applicable to their college experience, with a weighted mean of 4.68. The lowest weighted mean from the recommended solution would lead to successful outcomes in their college endeavors, with a weighted mean of 4.25, garnering a Grand Weighted Mean of 4.44 and being verbally interpreted as Agree. 

According to Goldrick-Rab, (2006) he stated that the varied ways in which individuals enroll in college reflect the growing heterogeneity of the students themselves. More than 90 percent of high school students expect to attend college (Reynolds et al. 2006), and roughly 70 percent of recent high school graduates have enrolled in a two- or four-year postsecondary institution, up from about half in the early 1980s (National Center for Education Statistics 2016, Table 302.10).

B. Work 

Table 1.2 shows the effects of the co-curricular activities in the academic performance of the junior high school students including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Project CAREER have been relevant to my future job4.38Agree
2. Have helped me in navigating my future job4.72Strongly Agree
3. Have been applicable to my future work responsibilities4.10Agree
4. Has provided me with valuable insights into the professional world4.46Agree
5. Has provided me more confident in my future job as a result of participating4.38Agree
                Grand Weighted Mean 4.40Agree

This table shows the average perception of students regarding the relevance and applicability of the lessons and experiences acquired from Project CAREER to their career paths in terms of work. This shows that 19 percent of the answers are Strongly Agree, while 81 percent answers are Agree. The highest weighted mean from the recommended solution is that have helped them in navigating their future job, with a weighted mean of 4.72. And the lowest weighted mean from the recommended solution is have been applicable to their future work responsibilities with a weighted mean of 4.10, garnered a Grand Weighted Mean of 4.46 and verbally interpreted as Agree.        

According to Kanfer et al., (2001); Van Hooft et al., (2021) the previous research has generally found positive relationships of job search intensity with employment outcomes such as job offers and employment status, the explained variance is relatively limited. Furthermore, spending time on job search has negative consequences for job seeker’s mental health (McKee-Ryan et al., 2005). Workers make professional options based on their current skills and interests, as well as their previous job histories and long-term intentions for the future.

C. Business        

Table 1.3 shows the average perception of students regarding the relevance and applicability of the lessons and experiences acquired from Project CAREER to their career paths in terms of business including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation. 

StatementWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Project CAREER have been relevant to my understanding of business concepts4.38Agree
2. It has helped me apply theoretical knowledge to real-world4.36Agree
3. It has equipped me with the necessary skills to navigate challenges in the business environment4.46Agree
4. It has been beneficial for my future business endeavors4.37Agree
5. It has positively impacted my understanding and approach to business4.47Agree
                Grand Weighted Mean 4.40Agree

This table shows the average perception of students regarding the relevance and applicability of the lessons and experiences acquired from Project CAREER to their career paths in terms of business. This shows that 100 percent of the answers are Agree. The highest weighted mean from the recommended solution is that has positively impacted their understanding and approach to business, with a weighted mean of 4.47. And the lowest weighted mean from the recommended solution has helped them apply theoretical knowledge to real-world, with a weighted mean of 4.36, garnered a Grand Weighted Mean of 4.40 and verbally interpreted as Agree.             

This statement is related to the idea of social entrepreneurs being supported by board members (Dees 2001), consultants and foundations (Zietlow 2001), incubators (Peters et al. 2004), lobby groups and representatives (Nicholls, 2010) or even entire ecosystems of support (CASE 2008; Heister 2010, Millner/Vandor, 2014) is increasingly present in social entrepreneurship literature. Given this increased interest in support entrepreneurs, some researchers conclude that there is an inherent “need to learn more about what it takes for socially entrepreneurial efforts or endeavors to succeed” (CASE 2008: 7), whereas others observe that there is a multitude of advice, yet a lack of evidence-based insights on support needs of social entrepreneurs (Light 2006).

2. Impact of Project CAREER in the decision-making process of Grade 12 ABM students                 

2.1 Choosing Career  

Table 2.1 shows the impact of Project CAREER in the decision-making process of Grade 12 ABM students in terms of selecting college course with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementWeighted MeanInterpretation
Project CAREER has helped me in selecting a course for my future career4.58Strongly Agree
It has provided me with valuable information about selecting course4.46Agree
It influenced my decision when selecting a college course4.35Agree
It has equipped me more confident about my college course selection4.43Agree
It helped me align my interests and goals with my college course choice4.37Agree
      Grand Weighted Mean4.43Agree

This table shows the impact of Project CAREER in the decision-making process of Grade 12 ABM students in terms of selecting college courses. This also shows 23.5 percent of the respondents’ answers are Strongly Agree, while 76.5 percent say Agree. The highest weighted mean from the recommended solution is that Project CAREER has helped them in selecting a course for their future career, with a weighted mean of 4.58. And the lowest weighted mean from the recommended solution is influenced their decision when selecting a college course, with a weighted mean of 4.35, garnered a Grand Weighted Mean of 4.52 and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. 

It was supported by the claim of (Kinsler and Pavan 2015; Ma 2011; Monaghan and Jang 2017; Pitt and Zhu 2018; Porter and Umbach 2006; Thomas and Zhang 2005) that the selection of one’s major is a high-stakes decision that shapes students’ experiences, learning, and satisfaction in college as well as their occupation, earnings, and job stability post-college. 

B. Pursuing Business Ventures   

Table 2.2 shows the impact of Project CAREER in the decision-making process of Grade 12 ABM students in terms of pursuing business ventures with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementWeighted MeanInterpretation
Project CAREER helped me gain a better understanding of my interests and strengths in relation to potential business ventures4.31Agree
It increased my confidence in pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities4.59Strongly Agree
It provided valuable insights into the skills and knowledge required for starting a business3.58Agree
It influenced my decision to explore entrepreneurship as a career path3.89Agree
It has positively impacted my decision-making process regarding pursuing business ventures4.05Agree
     Grand Weighted Mean 4.08Agree

This table shows the impact of Project CAREER in the decision-making process of Grade 12 ABM students in terms of pursuing business ventures. This also shows that 21.1 percent of the respondents’ answers are Strongly Agree, while 78.9 percent say Agree. The highest weighted mean from the recommended solution is that increased them confidence in pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities, with a weighted mean of 4.59. And the lowest weighted mean from the recommended solution provides valuable insights into the skills and knowledge required for starting a business, with a weighted mean of 3.58, garnered a Grand Weighted Mean of 4.13 and verbally interpreted as Agree. 

The study by Kao, (1993) he stated that an entrepreneur is ‘a person who undertakes a wealth creating and value adding process, through incubating ideas, assembling resources and making things happen’. The ability to see opportunities allows the entrepreneur to start and grow in his or her own business, even in the face of bad economic situations. As a result, the entrepreneur and his or her actions take center stage in the venture formation process.

C.  Finding a job   

Table 2.3 shows the impact of Project CAREER in the decision-making process of Grade 12 ABM students in terms of finding a job with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementWeighted MeanInterpretation
Project CAREER has helped me in finding internships or job opportunities related to my chosen course4.48 Agree
It prepared me for the job search process after graduation4.38Agree
It enhanced my understanding of the job marketing4.40Agree
It prepared me to make decisions about finding a job4.29 Agree
It positively influenced my decision-making process in terms of finding a job4.18 Agree
Grand Weighted Mean 

This table shows the impact of Project CAREER in the decision-making process of Grade 12 ABM students in terms of finding a job. This also shows that 100 percent of the respondents’ answers are Agree. The highest weighted mean from the recommended solution is that has helped them in finding internships or job opportunities related to their chosen course, with a weighted mean of 4.48. And the lowest weighted mean from the recommended solution is enhanced their understanding of the job marketing, with a weighted mean of 4.4, garnered a Grand Weighted Mean of 4.34 and verbally interpreted as Agree. 

According to e.g., job search intensity; Brown et al., (2006); Saks, (2018); Turban et al., (2013). An important determinant of finding employment is job search behaviour. Current models and studies on job search among career starters have mostly focused on indicators of the time and effort devoted to job search activities as core determinant of finding employment.   

3. Perceptions of students regarding the effectiveness of Project CAREER in preparing them for the challenges and demands of their future careers   

Table 3 shows the perceptions of students regarding the effectiveness of Project CAREER in preparing them for the challenges and demands of their future career with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Project CAREER provided me with valuable insights into different career paths4.35Agree
2. It helped me understand the skills and qualifications required for my future career4.28Agree
3. It given me a better understanding of the job market and employment opportunities4.44Agree
4. It given me more confident about making decisions related to my future career4.34Agree
5. It helped me develop important skills that are relevant to my future career4.37Agree
6. It broadened my perspective on potential career options4.43Agree
7. It prepared me for the challenges I may face in my future career4.51Strongly Agree
8. It helped me identify my strengths and areas for improvement in relation to my future career4.47Agree
9. It equipped me with the necessary tools to pursue my career goals4.42Agree
10. It has been an effective resource in preparing me for the demands of my future career4.51Strongly Agree
               Grand Weighted Mean 4.41Agree

This table shows the perceptions of students regarding the effectiveness of Project CAREER in preparing them for the challenges and demands of future careers. This shows that 20.9 percent of the students answered it Strongly Agree, while 79.1 percent of the students answered it prepared them for the challenges they may face in their future career and has been an effective resource in preparing them for the demands of their future career, with a weighted mean of 4.51. And the lowest weighted mean from the recommended solution helped them understand the skills and qualifications required for their future career with a weighted mean of 4.28, garnered a Grand Weighted Mean of 4.41 and verbally interpreted as Agree. 

According to a recent employment poll, the major reason employees say they leave an organization is a lack of career opportunities, whereas poor compensation was the leading reason people resigned 5 years ago (CEB, 2015). In fact, over 70% of those polled were unsatisfied with their company’ growth chances. Furthermore, according to a new survey by Korn Ferry Hay Group (2016), which investigated forms of pay other than base salary, benefits, and bonuses, career development and training ranked first on the list of human resources (HR) initiatives that companies aim to emphasize this year. A strong career development and advancement strategy recognizes that careers are neither static nor established in a vacuum.

4. Recommendations can be made to enhance the effectiveness of Project CAREER in further supporting the career development of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management students      

Based on the findings, several recommendations can be made to enhance the effectiveness of Project CAREER in further supporting the career development of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) students:

Expand Career Exploration OpportunitiesIncrease opportunities for students to explore various career paths beyond traditional college, work, and business exits. This could involve inviting professionals from diverse fields to speak about their career journeys or organizing field trips to workplaces representing different industries.
Tailor Guidance for Specific Career PathsProvide targeted guidance and resources for students interested in specific career paths within the fields of accountancy, business, and management. This could include offering specialized workshops, mentorship programs, or networking events tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of ABM students.
Strengthen Decision-Making SupportOffer comprehensive support to students in the decision-making process for selecting college courses, pursuing business ventures, and finding jobs. This may involve providing personalized counseling sessions, access to career assessment tools, and workshops on decision-making skills.
Integrate Practical Skills DevelopmentIncorporate opportunities for students to develop practical skills relevant to their future careers, such as financial literacy, project management, and entrepreneurship. This could be done through hands-on projects, internships, or partnerships with local businesses.
Foster Collaboration with Industry PartnersStrengthen partnerships with industry partners to provide students with real-world exposure and experiences. This could include internship opportunities, guest lectures by industry professionals, or participation in industry-specific competitions or events.
Promote Continuous Learning and Professional DevelopmentEncourage students to engage in continuous learning and professional development activities to stay updated with industry trends and enhance their employability. This could involve promoting participation in workshops, seminars, online courses, and professional certifications relevant to their career interests.

This table shows the recommendations that can be made to enhance the effectiveness of Project CAREER in further supporting the career development of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management students. By implementing these recommendations, Project CAREER can further empower Grade 12 ABM students to make informed career decisions, develop relevant skills, and achieve success in their future endeavors within the fields of accountancy, business, and management.


The following statements are conclusions drawn from the finding: 

  1. The project CAREER prepared them for the challenges they may face in their future career.
  2. Students find some difficulties in the decision-making process for their future career.
  3. Students find that the positive impact of dealing and coping with challenges and demands of their future career.
  4. Students will find that the project CAREER not only helps them cope with the challenges of their future careers but also offers additional advantages in terms of personal growth and resilience.


From the result of the study which was to assess the impact of project CAREER on future career development of Grade 12 ABM students at Nasugbu East Senior High School, these are the recommendations of the researcher to the beneficiary of this study: 

1. Students should seize the opportunity to participate in the project CAREER to maximize their potential and future career satisfaction. 

2. Teachers should be informed that project CAREER is not only advisable but also a worthwhile endeavor that can significantly enhance students’ prospects and readiness for their professional journeys. 

3. Teachers should actively promote Project CAREER to students by highlighting its benefits and relevance to their future endeavors. Emphasize that participating in the program can enhance their skills, broaden their career options, and better prepare them for college, work, and business. 

4. Future researchers should consider the difficulties students face in decision-making for their future careers, participation in the project CAREER can be extremely useful in providing guidance and support in this aspect.

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