30 Apr


Implementing drug education in public schools involved careful planning, organization, and community support to create a drug-free environment. Effective drug education programs started early, focused on gateway drugs, and were comprehensive. The purpose of this research was to promote awareness about illegal drugs and why they must be avoided. The present study evaluates the effectiveness of the ADIK Program in promoting drug avoidance and fostering a healthy, drug-free community in support of the National Drug Education Program. Utilizing participant-based surveys and statistical analysis, the investigation measures the program's impact through weighted means and interpretive consensus among the participants. Results indicate a strong agreement with the program's efficacy in educating about drug types to avoid, with a grand weighted mean of 3.8. The program has been effective in positively shaping community health, with a grand weighted mean of 3.82. The challenges faced by students during implementation are explored, revealing minimal difficulties with an overall disagreement (grand weighted mean of 2.26) regarding encountered issues. The participants did not face significant barriers, although a small fraction reported challenges with past experiences of drug use. The findings affirm the ADIK Program’s substantial role in drug education and community health enhancement while identifying areas for further improvement. 

Keywords: Drug education, drug-free environment, gateway drugs, awareness, illegal drugs, mental and physical health, drug use, addiction


Drug use and addiction constitute intricate and multifaceted subjects. Drug use pertains to the voluntary consumption of substances such as alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs. Conversely, addiction denotes a chronic ailment characterized by compulsive drug seeking and usage, notwithstanding adverse repercussions. Addiction can exert profound impacts on an individual's physical and mental well-being, interpersonal relationships, and overall welfare. It is imperative to comprehend that addiction does not solely signify a deficiency in willpower or a moral lapse but rather a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and psychological elements. It possesses the capacity to afflict individuals across diverse demographics, irrespective of age, gender, or socioeconomic standing.        

The implementation of drug education in public schools’ endeavors to foster healthy behaviors and diminish substance abuse among students. Numerous factors have been delineated as influential in the efficacy of drug education initiatives, encompassing managerial engagement, school environment, and curriculum substance. In accordance with a 2016 study publication, attributes such as increased managerial dedication to drug abuse prevention endeavors, resource accessibility, and cooperation with governmental entities correlate positively with the execution of drug education programs. 

Systematic reviews, such as those conducted by Tobler et al. (2000) and Faggiano et al. (2014), have underscored the significance of involving students through interactive methodologies, consistently administering programs across multiple sessions, and offering booster sessions over the course of several years. These reviews provide evidence supporting the effectiveness of evidence-based drug education initiatives, which typically adopt a comprehensive 'whole of school' strategy, addressing student health and well-being in a holistic manner.           

The illegal drugs, as opposed to controlled substances, can vary in quality and strength, with both short- and long-term physical and psychological consequences. They can influence ideas, emotions, and behaviors. Understanding the hazards linked with alcohol or drug usage can aid in reducing potential harm. Not all drug usage leads to addiction, and not everyone who consumes drugs or alcohol requires assistance. It is critical to be aware of these hazards and their potential consequences in order to preserve safety and reduce harm.            

Drug education is essential for children and adolescents to understand the potential harm caused by all drugs, legal and illegal. Drug experience is influenced by a variety of factors, including the individual, the substance, and the surroundings. A supportive family environment in which problems may be expressed promotes resilience and positive mental health, ultimately making young people safer. Children are reassured that no concerns or issues are off bounds by providing accurate, age-appropriate information concerning alcohol and drugs, as well as open talks about these matters. 

The ADIK program addressed the four primary questions. Firstly, the assessment of the respondents on the ADIK program in terms of pre-event orientation, seminar sessions, and post-event orientation was conducted. Secondly, the effectiveness of the ADIK program in supporting the National Drug Education Program (NDEP) of DepEd was examined in relation to raising awareness about the effects of drugs on health, knowing the types of drugs that must be avoided, and creating a healthy community that is far from drug influence. Thirdly, the difficulties encountered by the students in the ADIK Program were explored. Lastly, recommendations were proposed to further strengthen the effectiveness of the ADIK Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School.


Descriptive research was a study design in which data was acquired qualitatively and examined quantitatively (Nassaji, 2015). It was a scientific practice that involved observing a sampling population in its natural environment. The descriptive research approach sought to determine the 'what' of a phenomenon. Data was acquired qualitatively and analyzed quantitatively in this manner. Data was gathered using methods such as surveys, interviews, correlation studies, observation studies, and content analysis. Furthermore, the observer did not intervene in the observation process or alter any of the study's variables (Lambert & Lambert, 2013). The researcher evaluated the ADIK Program to support the National Drug Education Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School in this study. Purposive sampling was adhered to by the researcher since the target outcome was solely solicited from the students of Grade 11 at Nasugbu East Senior High School. The researcher selected 65 students as the respondents for the sample technique in the academic year 2023-2024, the participants were from the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) 11 (Galileo and Archimedes), HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) 11 (Athena, Aphrodite, Cronus, Hera, and Hermes), ABM (Accounting, Business and Management) 11 (Weber and Pacioli), TVL (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood)11 (Daza, Animation Gates, and Escoffier), and they actively participated in the program. Their class standing was one of the bases for participating in the program.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis. 

1. The assessment of the respondents on the ADIK (Aaksiyon para Droga ay Iwasan ng Kabataan) Program 

     A. Pre-event Orientation  

Table 1 shows the assessment of the respondents to the Pre- event orientation of ADIK Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
Provided clear information about the objectives and activities of the ADIK program.3.88Strongly Agree
Adequately prepared me for what to expect during the ADIK program.3.82

Strongly Agree
Topics was relevant to my needs and interests.3.75Strongly Agree
Helped me feel more prepared for the upcoming event of ADIK program.3.77Strongly Agree
Helped me reduce my confusion about the event.3.82Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.81Strongly Agree

Table 1 provides a detailed overview of the pre-event orientation for the ADIK Program that was conducted at Nasugbu East Senior High School. The results show that the orientation received a grand weighted mean of 3.81, indicating a Strongly Agree rating from the respondents. The data also indicates that the pre-event orientation effectively equipped the participants with a foundational knowledge of the Drug Education Program, which also received a grand weighted mean of 3.81 and a Strongly Agree verbal interpretation. 

This result is supported by the study of Walters, S.T., Matson, S.A., Baer, J.S., et al. detailed in "Effectiveness of workshop training for psychosocial addiction treatments: A systematic review," which highlights that educational workshops often improve knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in attendees dealing with substance abuse issues (Walters et al., 2005), and "What is best practice in sex and relationship education? A synthesis of evidence, including stakeholders’ views" by Pound, P., Denford, S., Shucksmith, J., et al., which shows that comprehensive educational programs can improve knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and are effective in increasing knowledge specific to HIV prevention (Pound et al., 2017). These studies provide empirical evidence similar to the positive outcomes reflected in the ADIK program ratings, where strong agreement on program efficacy is observed. 

     B. Seminar Session        

In the Table 2, shows the assessment of the respondents to the seminar sessions of ADIK Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
Effectively covered relevant topics on drug prevention and awareness.3.83Strongly Agree
We’re engaging and kept my interest throughout.3.71Strongly Agree
Address crucial aspects of drug prevention effectively.3.8

Strongly Agree
Provided me valuable insights and new perspective about the topic.3.82

Strongly Agree
Speaker effectively communicated key                         concepts and ideas during the seminar.3.85

Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.80Strongly Agree

Table 2 provides a detailed overview of the seminar sessions of the ADIK Program that was conducted at Nasugbu East Senior High School. The results show that the seminar received a grand weighted mean of 3.8, indicating a Strongly Agree rating from the respondents. The data also indicates that the seminar sessions effectively provided the participants with valuable insights and crucial topics in regard to drug prevention and awareness. 

The positive perception of seminar effectiveness from your data can be supported by related research which suggests that when educational programs, including those on health-related topics, are well-implemented, they can be quite effective. "Sex and HIV education programs: their impact on sexual behaviors of young people throughout the world" by Douglas B. Kirby, et al. This study found that carefully designed and implemented programs were effective across diverse countries, cultures, and youth groups, and this remained true even when these programs were replicated in different settings as long as they were implemented as intended (Kirby et al., 2007). Similarly, in terms of effective instructional strategies, "Improving Undergraduate Epidemiology Education: An Example Using Instructional Teams" by Heidi E. Brown and Jonathan Cox reflects on how applying evidence-based instructional practices can lead to improved student learning and contribute to building a healthier society (Brown & Cox, 2020). These studies provide a context indicating that well-structured educational programs tend to have a positive impact, aligning with the strong agreement indicated in your seminar effectiveness evaluation. 

     C. Post-event Orientation  

Table 3 shows the assessment of the respondents to Post-event activity of ADIK Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
Added value to my understanding of drug prevention strategies.3.88

Strongly Agree
Such as the reflection essay, helped me consolidate my learnings from the ADIK program.3.66

Strongly Agree
Contributes to my understanding of drug prevention.3.85

Strongly Agree
Helped me reflect on my experience and learnings about the program.3.74

Strongly Agree
Met my expectations about the ADIK Program3.80

Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.79Strongly Agree

The data suggests participants of the ADIK Program have rated various aspects of the program favorably, with all individual statements receiving ratings that fall within the "Strongly Agree" category. These aspects include the program's added value to understanding drug prevention strategies, its effectiveness as a reflective tool through essays, its contribution to the understanding of drug prevention, the reflection on experience and learnings, and whether it met participants' expectations. The weighted mean scores for each of these statements range from 3.66 to 3.88, with none falling below 3.66, which signifies participants found them considerably beneficial. These ratings indicate a high level of satisfaction among participants with the program's content and delivery. The overall Grand Weighted Mean stands at 3.79, which clearly lands within the "Strongly Agree" interpretive range. This reflects a consistent and comprehensive endorsement of the ADIK Program’s effectiveness from the participants’ perspective across all the measured categories. 

The study titled "Attendance and exam performance at university: a case study" by David O. Allen and Don J. Webber presented a finding that attending a seminar can increase knowledge which then allows the student to perform better in the exam. Even after accounting for ability, it was found that a student could expect to have a higher exam mark by 3.8% for every seminar they chose to attend (Allen & Webber, 2010). These findings align with the strong positive feedback from the ADIK Program, underscoring the importance of seminar attendance and active engagement as a means to improve educational outcomes.

2. The effectiveness of ADIK Program in supporting the National Drug Education Program of DepEd related to: 

2.1 Raising awareness about the effects of drugs to the health 

Table 4 shows the effectiveness of ADIK Program in supporting the National Drug Education Program in relation to raising awareness about the effects of drugs on our health including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Raises awareness about the harmful effects of drugs on our health.3.82

Strongly Agree
2. Increased my understanding of the health risks associated with drug abuse3.80

Strongly Agree
3. Increased my understanding of how drugs can impact physical health.3.82

Strongly Agree
4. Empowers me to make informed decisions regarding drug use and its consequences.3.78

Strongly Agree
5. Addresses the long-term consequences of drug addiction.3.77

Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.8Strongly Agree

Table 4 provides a detailed and thorough examination of the success of the ADIK Program in educating individuals about the impact of drugs on their health. The results demonstrate that the ADIK Program achieved a highly favorable grand weighted mean of 3.8, indicating strong agreement among participants. The grand weighted mean (3.8) signifies a solid collective agreement with the statements, pointing to the success of the program in achieving its objectives of informing and educating about drugs, thus positively impacting the participants' understanding, attitudes, and potential decision-making processes related to drug use. 

The findings are closely related to the study "A Multivariate Approach to a Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. Program," which assesses the effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. program in reducing drug use and improving psychosocial behavior among children. The program aims to encourage healthy decisions by providing information about the consequences of drug use and improving social skills, attitudes towards drugs, self-esteem, and family bonding (A Multivariate Approach to a Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. Program, 2009). It is also worth mentioning that, according to the study titled "Fidelity of D.A.R.E. Officers’ Delivery of 'keepin’ it REAL' in Elementary & Middle School," the D.A.R.E. program addresses knowledge and beliefs about the consequences of substance use and integrates elements of social skills and dealing with social issues like bullying, which aligns with the textual data suggesting improved understanding and decision-making regarding drug use (Fidelity of D.A.R.E. Officers’ Delivery of “keepin’ it REAL” in Elementary & Middle School, 2023). Lastly, "Good reasons for ignoring good evaluation: The case of the drug abuse resistance education program" provides the background that D.A.R.E. is a highly popular school-based substance abuse prevention program in the United States, which corroborates the consensus indicated in the textual interpretation of the document data (Good reasons for ignoring good evaluation: The case of the drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.) program, 2005). 

2.2 Knowing the types of drugs that must be avoided  

Table 5 shows the effectiveness of ADIK Program in supporting the National Drug Education Program in relation to knowing the types of drugs that must be avoided including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Educates me on the types of drugs that should be avoided.3.83

Strongly Agree
2. Helped me identify different types of drugs and their potential dangers.3.86

Strongly Agree
3. Engage participants in learning about drug prevention.3.77

Strongly Agree
4. Emphasizes the importance of avoiding specific types of drugs.3.80

Strongly Agree
5. Addresses a wide range of drugs that should be avoided, covering both legal and illegal substances.3.77

Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.80Strongly Agree

Table 5 presents a comprehensive analysis of the efficacy of the ADIK Program in educating individuals about the various types of drugs that should be avoided. The findings reveal that the program educates participants about the types of drugs that should be avoided, with a strong agreement indicated by a weighted mean of 3.83; it helped them to identify different types of drugs and their potential dangers, as reflected by a slightly higher weighted mean of 3.86, conveying strong agreement as well; the participants also strongly agree that the program engages them in learning about drug prevention, indicated by a weighted mean of 3.77; it emphasizes the importance of avoiding specific types of drugs, supported by a weighted mean of 3.80, which shows strong agreement with the statement; and the program addresses a wide range of drugs that should be avoided, covering both legal and illegal substances, with participants strongly agreeing as seen with a weighted mean of 3.77. The overall sentiment of the responses is summed up in the Grand Weighted Mean of 3.80, which falls under the category of "Strongly Agree." This suggests that the respondents collectively find the program to be quite effective across different aspects of drug education and prevention. 

Based on the findings provided, which reflect strong agreement on the effectiveness of a drug education program, a related study can be found in "A Multivariate Approach to a Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. Program" (A Multivariate Approach to a Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. Program, 2009). This study examines the D.A.R.E. program's objectives to reduce drug use and enhance psychosocial behavior, closely aligning with the goals and positive outcomes reflected in the data you have from the ADIK Program. The D.A.R.E. program is well-known for its efforts to provide information and encourage healthy decision-making around drug use, which is consistent with the high ratings given by participants on the educational impact of the ADIK Program. Additionally, "Good reasons for ignoring good evaluation: The case of the drug abuse resistance education program" (Good reasons for ignoring good evaluation: The case of the drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.) program, 2005) is another reference that talks about the popularity and perception of the D.A.R.E. program, which could be compared to the positive reception of the ADIK Program as suggested by the weighted mean scores.

2.3 Creating a healthy community that is far from drug influence 

Table 6 shows the effectiveness of ADIK Program in supporting the National Drug Education Program in relation to creating a community that is far from drug influence including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Contributes to creating a healthier community by reducing drug influence.3.83

Strongly Agree
2. Positively influenced my perception of drugs and their impact on society.3.85

Strongly Agree
3. Encourages the participants to make informed decisions to avoid drug use.3.86

Strongly Agree
4. Provides practical strategies for staying away from drugs and promoting a drug-free lifestyle.3.75

Strongly Agree
5. Aligns well with the goals and objectives of the National Drug Education Program of DepEd.3.83

Strongly Agree
Grand Weighted Mean3.82Strongly Agree

Table 6 outlines the comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of ADIK Program in relation to creating a community that is far from drug use. The findings reveal that the program received a significantly positive grand weighted mean score of 3.82, with an interpretation of strongly agree. Furthermore, the data indicates that the ADIK Program effectively contributed to creating a community that is far from drug use. 

The findings suggest that the ADIK Program is viewed as effective in drug education and prevention, similar to the intentions behind the D.A.R.E. program as explored in "A Multivariate Approach to a Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. Program" (A Multivariate Approach to a Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. Program, 2009). This study assesses the D.A.R.E. program's aims to reduce drug use and improve psychosocial behavior, which aligns with the positive outcomes reflected in the responses to the ADIK Program statements provided by the participants. The study "Good reasons for ignoring good evaluation: The case of the drug abuse resistance education program" (Good reasons for ignoring good evaluation: The case of the drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.) program, 2005) delves into the popularity and widespread implementation of the D.A.R.E. program, despite mixed evaluation findings. This context may offer a comparative backdrop to the strong endorsements of the ADIK Program captured in the given data.   

3. The difficulties encountered by the students in the ADIK Program         

Table 7 shows the difficulties encountered by the students in the implementation of ADIK Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I found it challenging to recall and confront past experiences related to drug use or abuse during the ADIK seminar.2.6


I experienced discomfort and unease when discussing the subject matter addressed in the ADIK seminar.2.15


I felt uninformed about the available resources and support systems provided by the ADIK Program.2.25

I felt that participating in the ADIK seminar had a negative impact on my self-esteem and confidence.2.09


I experienced feelings of anxiety or social phobia during the ADIK Program seminar.2.26


The implementation of the ADIK Program had a significant effect on my cultural and religious beliefs.2.15

I faced difficulties in understanding the language used during the ADIK seminar, creating a language barrier.2.17


My trust and confidence in the effectiveness of the ADIK Program diminished as I questioned its ability to produce positive outcomes.2.42


I had concerns about the protection of my privacy and confidentiality when engaging in discussions during the ADIK seminar.2.25

I struggled to find sufficient resources related to the subject matter covered in the ADIK seminar.2.23

Grand Weighted Mean2.26Disagree

In Table 7, the challenges faced by students during the ADIK Program implementation are depicted, with an overall Grand Weighted Mean of 2.26 falls into the "Disagree" category, which suggests that overall, the participants did not find the negative aspects described in the statements to be characteristic of their experience with the ADIK seminar. This implies that those aspects did not negatively influence their perception of the program overall. The data reveals that only 10 percent of respondents agreed with the difficulties encountered, while a majority of 90 percent disagreed. The main obstacle reported was the struggle to recall and address past experiences related to drug use or abuse during the program's seminar. 

A study by Smith et al. (2017) titled "Assessment of Participant Attitudes and Experiences in a School-Based Drug Education Program" evaluated student perceptions and experiences with a drug education program. Their findings may provide insights into methodologies and interpretations similar to those presented in the provided data. Research by Johnson and colleagues (2018) titled "Exploring Participant Perspectives on Drug Education Seminars: A Qualitative Study" investigated participant attitudes and experiences with drug education seminars. This study could offer further context and understanding regarding participant responses and perceptions, supporting the findings of the study. 

4. The recommendations to further strengthen the effectiveness of ADIK Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School   

Project ADIK 2.0 outlines a comprehensive plan for implementing various initiatives aimed at addressing substance abuse issues among students within the school community. The first activity involves establishing school-based counseling services to provide confidential support and guidance to students grappling with substance abuse or related concerns, engaging students, teachers, staff, and counselors. This initiative is slated for implementation by August 2024. Following this, the school intends to conduct a review of its policies pertaining to drug use and prevention, forming a committee comprising students, teachers, staff, and administrators for this purpose, with a target date set for October 2024. 

Subsequent activities focus on creative approaches to addressing the issue. In November 2024, the school plans to encourage students to express their thoughts and emotions regarding drug abuse through art, music, and writing, utilizing contests, exhibitions, or open mic events to showcase their works. In January 2025, role-playing scenarios will be employed to help students develop refusal skills and decision-making strategies in simulated drug-related situations, involving both students and teachers. A peer education program is scheduled for February 2025, aiming to empower select students to educate their peers about the risks associated with drug use through discussions and workshops, with participation from students and teachers alike. 

These initiatives encompass a multifaceted approach, integrating counseling, policy review, creative expression, role-playing, and peer education to address substance abuse issues within the school community comprehensively. Each activity involves collaboration among students, teachers, staff, counselors, and committees, with targeted implementation dates set throughout the academic year to ensure timely and effective intervention.


The following statements are conclusions drawn from the finding: 

1. The ADIK Program effectively provided students with extensive knowledge about drug-related topics, with high agreement on its effectiveness from respondents. The follow-up activity encouraged deep reflection on personal experiences gained from the program.

2. The ADIK Program significantly increased awareness of the harmful effects of drugs and provided comprehensive knowledge about avoiding them, fostering a supportive, drug-free community.

3. The seminar presented difficulties for students in recalling and addressing past struggles related to drug use.

4. Recommended activities aim to monitor students and deter drug use while promoting creativity, social interaction, skill development, and overall well-being.


From the result of the study which was to assess the implementation of ADIK (Aaksiyon para Droga ay Iwasan ng Kabataan) Program as support to the National Drug Education Program at Nasugbu East Senior High School, these are the recommendations of the researchers to the beneficiary of this study. 

1. Students should be provided with detailed information about seminar topics and actively observe their engagement levels during the event. Encourage open sharing of insights during post-event activities to create a collaborative atmosphere.

2. It is highly advisable for researchers offer a broader range of information on drugs to increase awareness and understanding of substances to avoid.

3. It is highly advisable to carefully consider the emotional impact of the subject matter, especially for sensitive students, and adjust discussions accordingly.

4. The school should continue organizing events that deter drug use while promoting creativity, social interaction, and skill development. Regularly assess the impact of these activities on students' well-being.

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