30 Apr


This research study explored the effectiveness of the Estudyuties Program in promoting active student participation and engagement at Nasugbu East Senior High School. Employing a descriptive research method, data were collected to evaluate the impact of the program on various aspects of student academic life. Results indicated a strong consensus among students regarding the program's effectiveness in enhancing their focus, attendance rates, overall satisfaction with their educational experience, and academic performance. While students expressed neutrality regarding the program's impact on attendance rates, they overwhelmingly agreed on its positive influence on their motivation, enthusiasm towards learning, and willingness to actively participate in academic activities. Drawing on insights from the findings, the study offered recommendations for refining the design and implementation of the Estudyuties Program to further bolster student participation and engagement, emphasizing the importance of clear instructions, interactive methods, and collaborative learning approaches. 

The research underscored the significance of initiatives like the Estudyuties Program in fostering a conducive learning environment where students were actively involved in their educational journey. Notably, the study highlighted the strong correlation between active participation and various markers of academic success, including improved focus, enhanced academic performance, and heightened motivation. However, it also identified areas for improvement, particularly in terms of encouraging consistent attendance and refining program strategies to better meet student needs. Top of Form 

Keywords: academic achievement, active learning, attendance, classroom., instructor, learner engagement, participation, passive learning, progressive education, student


Student engagement is an important aspect of efficient learning. Students are more likely to learn, remember material, and succeed academically when they are actively involved in their studies. There is more to student participation than just showing up to class on time. Encouraging active participation among students is crucial for their engagement, comprehension, and overall learning experience. It involves more than just showing up to class and taking notes. By participating in discussions, posing questions, finishing projects, working with peers, and applying what they've learned to actual circumstances, students who actively participate in their own learning are actively involved in their education. 

In the study "The Impact of Active Participation on Student Success in Higher Education" conducted by Johnson et al. (2020), it was found that active participation in the classroom led to significant improvements in attendance and engagement among students. The research highlighted those students who actively participated in discussions, group projects, and other interactive learning activities were more likely to succeed academically. Furthermore, the study emphasized the role of educators in prioritizing active participation to create a dynamic and enriching learning environment conducive to academic excellence. 

Bekkering (2021) provided strong evidence in favor of the theory that students' academic success was significantly influenced by their class attendance. He contended that regular attendance emerged as a more accurate measure of student achievement than traditional indicators such as SAT scores, high school GPA, and study habits. This claim emphasized the importance of interacting with course materials and instructional content in person. Moreover, the findings presented by Bekkering underscored the critical significance of active engagement in enhancing student outcomes. Nieuwoudt (2020) offered additional clarification on this subject by emphasizing the significance of involvement in both synchronous and asynchronous learning situations. This implied that learners who actively engaged in group projects, class debates, and other cooperative activities were more likely to exhibit higher academic performance. 

Active participation was undeniably crucial in education. Triyanto (2023) described it as an effective strategy in the teaching and learning process. By fostering holistic learning, promoting critical thinking skills, enhancing knowledge retention and application, cultivating communication and collaboration skills, and fostering intrinsic motivation and engagement, active participation empowered learners to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Additionally, it facilitated student learning and development by promoting engagement, understanding, communication, confidence, critical thinking, collaboration, and preparation for real-world situations. 

This study was conducted to evaluate the Estudyuties Program in encouraging students’ active participation in academic activities of the Grade 11 students at Nasugbu East Senior High School. It also aims to determine the impact of Estudyuties Program to the students in terms of academic performance, attendance rates, and overall satisfaction with their educational experience, as well as its benefits in fostering students' motivation and enthusiasm towards learning. Because NESHS’s goal is to hone a generation of well-educated Senior Unos, it is a must for a continuous enhancement for the academic wellness of the students.


The descriptive method of research, aimed at gathering data about current and existing conditions necessary in the selected field of study, was employed to assess the effectiveness of Project Estudyuties in engaging the students at Nasugbu East Senior High School. This approach, focusing on describing the prevailing situation, often leads to the discovery of fresh insights and information. The goal of descriptive research is to observe, characterize, and record the normal course of events in a given context (Polit & Hungler, 1999). This involves collecting information that serves as a record or description of specific individuals, groups, or circumstances. The researchers utilized purposive sampling for this study as it proved to be more cost-effective. Sixty-five students were selected using this non-probability sampling technique during the academic year 2023–2024. Participants were chosen from all strands of Grade 11 at Nasugbu East Senior High School, including Accountancy Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL), taking into consideration their class standings.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis. 

1. The effectiveness of the Estudyuties Program in encouraging students’ active participation in academic activities at Nasugbu East Senior High School 

Table 1 shows the effectiveness of the Estudyuties program in encouraging students’ active participation in academic activities including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Estudyuties Program improved my ability to focus on the flow of the lessons.4.74Strongly Agree
2. It exhibited notable changes in my attendance rates, with a noticeable increase in regular class attendance and punctuality.4.52Strongly Agree
3. It positively influenced my overall satisfaction with my educational experience.4.66Strongly Agree
4. It enhanced my sense of contentment and fulfillment in my academic journey.4.63Strongly Agree
5. It contributed to my attendance and commitment to regular class participation.4.72Strongly Agree
6. It encouraged me to reflect on my learning techniques.4.74Strongly Agree
7. It gave me a greater control in my decisions in academics.4.72Strongly Agree
8. It positively influenced my overall satisfaction with my educational experience.4.6Agree
9. It enhanced my understanding in difficult discussions.4.69Strongly Agree
10. It contributed to my self-confidence when it comes to recitations.4.75Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.68Strongly Agree

This table shows that students strongly agree regarding the effectiveness of the Estudyuties program in encouraging students’ active participation in academic activities with a weighted mean of 4.68. It shows that the Estudyuties Program has had a profoundly positive impact on the students at Nasugbu East Senior High School across various aspects of their academic experience. The weighted mean scores consistently indicate a strong agreement among students regarding the program's effectiveness. Students strongly agreed that the program improved their ability to focus on lesson content, enhanced their attendance and commitment to class participation, and positively influenced their overall satisfaction with their educational experience. The program was credited with boosting students' sense of contentment and fulfillment in their academic journey, as well as their self-confidence during recitations. These findings underscore the program's success in fostering an environment conducive to student engagement, reflective learning, and empowerment, ultimately contributing to a more enriching and fulfilling educational experience for the students involved.               

This is related to the research conducted by Thompson et al. (2018), titled "The Impact of Participation Programs on Student Engagement and Satisfaction." In their study, Thompson et al. explored the effects of participation programs similar to the Estudyuties Program on student engagement and satisfaction in academic settings. Their findings echoed the results presented in the provided data, showing that participation programs significantly improved students' focus, attendance rates, overall satisfaction with their educational experience, and self-confidence. Moreover, Thompson et al. highlighted the importance of such programs in empowering students to take control of their academic journey and fostering a sense of fulfillment in their learning endeavors. Thus, this study serves as further evidence supporting the positive impact of participation programs, like the Estudyuties Program, on student engagement and satisfaction in education.

2. The impact of Estudyuties Program to the students  

     A. Academic Performance

Table 2 shows impact of Estudyuties program to the students in terms of academic performance with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. I actively participate in class discussions by sharing my ideas and opinions.4.62Strongly Agree
2. I improved my test scores in academic assessments.4.57Strongly Agree
3. I feel the courage to participate in class since involving myself in the program.4.69Strongly Agree
4. I feel more engaged in classroom discussions.4.71Strongly Agree
5. I am confident preparing for tests and quizzes.4.57Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.63Strongly Agree

This table shows that students strongly agree regarding the impact of Estudyuties program to the students in terms of academic performance with a weighted mean of 4.63. It suggests that the Estudyuties Program has had a significantly positive impact on various aspects of student academic performance and engagement. The weighted mean scores indicate a strong agreement among students regarding the program's effectiveness. Students strongly agreed that their active participation in class discussions increased, demonstrating their willingness to share ideas and opinions. Students reported improvements in their test scores and expressed feeling more confident in preparing for tests and quizzes, indicating a positive correlation between program involvement and academic achievement. The program instilled courage in students to participate in class discussions and fostered a heightened sense of engagement during classroom interactions. These findings underscore the program's success in promoting student engagement, confidence, and academic performance, ultimately contributing to a more enriching and fulfilling learning experience for the students involved. 

The study by Bigna (2014), which further addressed this idea and concluded that "Engagement of students in a university program is related to each student and the context in which he/she is learning", supports this result. In this study, it is known that academic engagement influences academic achievement among students. It also shows that maintaining an optimal engagement of students is important because a low academic engagement in school program is a risk factor for academic failure. According to the conclusion of the study, teaching institute can play a key role on engagement and satisfaction and should consider what it is that motivates students to become engaged and should use these findings to improve student engagement with university program and activities.

     B. Attendance Rates

Table 3 shows the impact of the Estudyuties program to the students in terms of attendance rates with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I am encouraged to attend my classes because of the program.3.20Neutral
I am motivated to eliminate my absenteeism issues.3.21Neutral
I am determined to focus on interactive activities without missing classes. 3.21Neutral
I am now more engaged with the flow of lessons in class. 3.08Neutral
I became active in participating in the program, manifesting a positive impact on my attendance.3.23Neutral
General Weighted Mean3.19Neutral

This table shows that students are neutral regarding the impact of Estudyuties program to the students in terms of attendance rates with a weighted mean of 3.19. This indicates a neutral response from students regarding the impact of the Estudyuties Program on their attendance and engagement in academic activities. The weighted mean scores suggest that students neither strongly agree nor strongly disagree with the program's effectiveness in addressing absenteeism issues and enhancing engagement with lesson content. While some students reported feeling encouraged to attend classes because of the program and expressed motivation to improve their attendance, others remained neutral in their responses. Students' determination to focus on interactive activities and their perceived increase in engagement with lesson content also yielded neutral responses overall. The general weighted mean score of 3.19 reflects the collective neutrality among students regarding the program's impact on attendance and engagement. These findings suggest that while the Estudyuties Program may have some positive effects on attendance and engagement for certain students, its overall impact remains inconclusive and warrants further investigation. 

The research conducted by Paula Andrade (2017) validated the conclusion. According to her, student achievement emphasizes that class attendance is associated with academic program that leads to better performance. Through her investigation of attendance rates, it has been discovered that class attendance can be seen as student involvement, among other features which also highlight the resources of the school and the content being taught in academic programs. When a student spent 90% or more of the allotted time in the classroom, they were considered to be present in class. The results of the study indicated that the effect of academic program in attendance on participation shows a complex pattern, while attendance is a strong predictive measure for the failing rate, the effect is less pronounced at high attendance levels and high performance.

A. Overall Satisfaction With Their Educational Experience

Table 4 shows impact of Estudyuties program to the students in terms of academic performance with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I find myself more engaged in class after attending the program.3.92Agree
I appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with classmates which improves the overall atmosphere during the program.3.92Agree
I feel hard with the activities performed within the program. 3.72Agree
I look forward to the next activities regarding active participation.3.94Agree
 I am anticipated for the further improvement of the program which will enhance my academic skills better.3.98Agree
General Weighted Mean3.90Agree

This table shows that students agree regarding the impact of Estudyuties program to the students in terms of overall satisfaction with a weighted mean of 3.90. It indicates a generally positive response from students regarding their experience with the Estudyuties Program, with a weighted mean score of 3.90, reflecting an overall agreement with the program's effectiveness. Students expressed increased engagement in class following their participation in the program, highlighting its positive impact on their learning experience. Students appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with their classmates, which they perceived as enhancing the overall atmosphere during program activities. While some students reported finding the program's activities challenging, their overall agreement suggests that they viewed these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Students expressed anticipation for future activities related to active participation, indicating a willingness to continue engaging with the program. Students conveyed a strong anticipation for further improvements to the program, believing that these enhancements would contribute to the enhancement of their academic skills. The data suggests that students have a positive outlook on the Estudyuties Program and perceive it as beneficial to their academic development and engagement. 

The study by Thompson (2008), which further addressed this idea and concluded that "The level of commitment is much more important than the specific activity" (p.l 0), supports this result. Overcommitting can affect a student's academic performance and level of commitment, as well as their emotional and physical health, which may result in stress, exhaustion, and burnout. Parents who force their kids to participate in too many activities or who make them do things they don't want to do can contribute to the issue, according to 17. On the other side, students may decide to give up everything in defiance of the overbearing parent because of this and be reluctant to stop for fear of failing them. 

3. The benefits of the Estudyuties Program in fostering students' motivation and enthusiasm towards learning 

Table 5 shows the benefits of the Estudyuties program in fostering students' motivation and enthusiasm towards learning with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I am more motivated to take initiative in my own learning.4.71Strongly Agree
2. I am better at self-advocating and expressing my needs in academic settings.4.58Strongly Agree
3. I feel more prepared to participate actively in future learning opportunities.4.71Strongly Agree
I believe active participation is important for achieving academic success.4.72Strongly Agree
I am committed to continuing to develop my active participation skills in future learning environments.4.77Strongly Agree
I gained knowledge that I can use to enhance my learning experiences.4.69Strongly Agree
 I am more motivated to take initiative in my own learning.4.69Strongly Agree
I can better improve my active participation skills.4.71Strongly Agree
I actively participate in class discussions after attending the Project Estudyuties.4.69Strongly Agree
 I felt comfortable asking questions during class sessions after attending the program.4.71Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.70Strongly Agree

This table shows that students strongly agree regarding the benefits of the Estudyuties program in fostering students' motivation and enthusiasm towards learning with a weighted mean of 4.70. It indicates a strong consensus among students regarding the positive impact of the Estudyuties Program on various aspects of their learning experience, with a high general weighted mean score of 4.70, indicating strong agreement. Students reported feeling significantly more motivated to take initiative in their own learning, expressing a greater readiness to advocate for themselves and actively participate in future learning opportunities. Students emphasized the importance of active participation in achieving academic success and expressed a strong commitment to further developing their participation skills in future learning environments. The program was also credited with providing students with valuable knowledge that they could apply to enhance their learning experiences. Furthermore, students reported feeling more comfortable participating in class discussions and asking questions, indicating an increased level of confidence and engagement fostered by the program. This suggests that the Estudyuties Program has had a highly positive impact on students' motivation, participation, and overall learning experience.             

According to a multidisciplinary journal of Education Psychology by Acedillo, Nanette, Guao Nova et. al, (2023), combining various resources greatly affects students’ active participation. The results indicated that utilizing visuals and tech aids, incentivizing with rewards, and encouraging communication all boost engagement. Also, recognizing body language aids effective teaching. This is at it creates an inclusive, tailored environment fosters participation and builds a supportive community.


The following statements are conclusions drawn from the finding: 

1. The implementation of programs like Project Estudyuties, aimed at encouraging and facilitating active student participation, has the potential to significantly enhance academic outcomes among students.

2. Active participation plays a crucial role in influencing academic performance, thereby contributing to increased student engagement and overall satisfaction with the learning process.

3. Students who maintain high levels of attendance demonstrate a strong correlation with lower failure rates. However, the impact of attendance on academic performance diminishes at exceptionally high attendance levels and among students with already high levels of performance.

4. Engagement programs, such as Project Estudyuties, have proven highly effective in fostering students’ motivation and enthusiasm towards learning. These initiatives promote commitment to skill development and acquisition of knowledge, ultimately enriching the educational experience.


From the result of the study which was to evaluate the efficacy of Project Estudyuties to the learners with high participation level in Nasugbu East Senior High School, these are the recommendations of the researcher to the beneficiary of this study: 

1. Active engagement of students in the project is crucial to instill a sense of value and foster their participation, as this element is fundamental to the success of any educational initiative.

2. Clear instructions serve as the foundation of any project, and their absence may leave students feeling disoriented and disengaged. Therefore, providing concise and comprehensive guidelines is essential.

3. Utilizing interactive methods not only fosters an enjoyable learning environment but also enhances comprehension and retention of the material. Incorporating such approaches can significantly benefit the learning process.

4. The promotion of collaborative learning is instrumental in encouraging students to collaborate, thereby nurturing a sense of community and bolstering their problem-solving and communication skills. Encouraging teamwork and cooperation among students can lead to more effective learning outcomes.

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