30 Apr


This study examined the effectiveness of Project CAREER in facilitating informed decision-making among Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students regarding college course selection. Using a mixed-methods approach, data were collected from students who had participated in Project CAREER activities, including career exploration workshops, mentorship programs, and counseling sessions. Results indicated that Project CAREER significantly influenced students' decision-making processes by providing hands-on projects, rigorous mentorship, structured counseling, and comprehensive career assessments. Findings suggested that students' satisfaction and confidence in their college course decisions were positively impacted by the quality of mentorship, relevance of information, consideration of individual interests, and availability of hands-on experience. The program addressed challenges such as indecisiveness, limited exposure to career options, and external pressures, ultimately empowering students to make well-informed decisions aligned with their aspirations. The study underscored the importance of personalized guidance and diverse exploration activities in addressing the multifaceted needs of Grade 11 HUMSS students. By integrating strategies that enhanced students' understanding of various career paths and provided tailored support, Project CAREER contributed to participants' academic and career success. These findings had implications for educational institutions and policymakers seeking to enhance career readiness programs for high school students, emphasizing the value of holistic approaches that prioritized individualized support, experiential learning, and comprehensive assessments. Overall, the research highlighted the significance of Project CAREER in empowering Grade 11 HUMSS students to make informed decisions about their college courses and future careers, fostering confidence and readiness for their academic and professional journeys. Top of Form 

Keywords: Project CAREER, college course selection, undecided


College course selection is the process of creating a wish list of courses you want to take during the next academic term. Course selection is a non-trivial task. Prior to every academic term, students make a series of course selection decisions. The course selections they make create a chain of reactions that influence future course choices, skill development, and job decisions (Huang et al., 2019). 

Courses represent pivotal milestones in students' educational journeys. Consequently, the judicious selection of courses assumes paramount importance in the pursuit of academic excellence at the collegiate level. The array of available courses offers a diverse spectrum of options, with students assuming personal responsibility for charting their academic trajectories. The realization of academic aspirations hinges upon the acquisition of pertinent information and self-awareness—namely, an understanding of the prerequisite’s requisite for goal attainment and a cognizance of one's individual aptitudes and limitations (Martin, 2010). 

In today's rapidly evolving job market, the significance of making well-informed decisions regarding higher education and career paths has reached unprecedented levels. High school students, particularly those in Grade 11, find themselves at a pivotal juncture where they must judiciously select their college courses, recognizing that these decisions can profoundly influence their future career prospects and overall life satisfaction. However, the process of choosing the appropriate college courses can be daunting, especially for students lacking access to sufficient guidance and resources. 

A primary concern for young adults is fitting in. Peer groups play an indispensable role in the lives of young individuals, particularly during the formative stage of puberty (Wells, 2018). 'Peer pressure' denotes the influence exerted by these groups on the thoughts and actions of an individual. Parents often gain insights into their child's peer associations by observing with whom they interact and what topics they discuss. 

Like manners, peer influence is also a factor that affects students’ decision in choosing a course to take since as a teenager, it is important for them to feel accepted in a group or society. Parent involvement in an infant's early education is always determined to be positively related to a child's academic performance (Hara & Burke, 1998). The method that if parents are in touch with the studies of their children. It may enhance their academic overall performance. Whereas the findings in addition highlighted that peer pressure has a terrible impact on the instructional success of the college students. Under the figure strain, the students feel pressured to attend the classes, shows and assignment work, to be punctual in their assignments, to satisfy the figure expectations. The peer pressure impacts their classmate even at the cast of bunking classes, going out with buddies at some point of the instructional activities, finishing the other assignments and lacking their own, rejecting the determine norm to confirm the association with corporations.             

The study aimed to assist students who were still undecided and confused about which course to take in college. It provided students with insights into their perceptions of courses and the reasons behind their difficulty in making decisions. Additionally, it examined the factors influencing their decisions. This newfound insight expanded their understanding of college courses and helped narrow down their options, considering both their preferences and influencing factors. 

The study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of Project CAREER in assisting Grade 11 HUMSS students with their college course selection process. By examining various outcomes such as students' levels of satisfaction, confidence in their decisions, and eventual course enrollments, the study aimed to assess the impact of Project CAREER on students' readiness for higher education and future career success. 

The implementation of Project CAREER (Course and Resource Exploration, Evaluation, and Readiness) aimed to address this challenge by providing Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students with comprehensive support in navigating the complexities of choosing college courses. By leveraging innovative tools and personalized guidance, Project CAREER sought to empower students to make informed decisions aligned with their interests, skills, and aspirations.


The study utilized the descriptive method of research as it evaluated the implementation of Project CAREER among undecided Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students in selecting college courses. According to Bhat (2020), the descriptive research approach described the characteristics of the population or phenomenon being studied. It primarily focused on making a description of the nature of the population or phenomena on the "what" and not the "why" of the sample. These features of the design made it appropriate to be utilized in the research as it aimed to assess the sleep deprivation status of learners and the other focus of the study. Considering the aforementioned features, the descriptive research design was deemed most appropriate for use to attain the purpose of the study. 

The research methodology for this study employed a descriptive research design aimed at examining the perceptions and decision-making processes of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students regarding college course selection. Stratified sampling was utilized to ensure representation from each section, with 5 representatives selected from each, totaling 25 respondents. This method involves dividing the population into subgroups, or strata, based on shared characteristics. Each stratum is then sampled independently to ensure representation from each subgroup. A survey questionnaire served as the primary data collection instrument, gathering information on students' perceptions, preferences, and experiences related to course selection. Data analysis involved descriptive statistical methods to summarize the findings, which were presented in tables, charts, and graphs. Ethical considerations, including obtaining informed consent, ensuring participant anonymity and confidentiality, and minimizing potential risks, were prioritized throughout the research process.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis. 

1. The influence of Project CAREER on the decision-making process of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students when selecting college courses

Table 1 shows the influence of Project CAREER on the decision making in the process of selecting their college courses including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. Project CAREER has positively influenced my decision-making process when selecting college courses.3.72Agree 
2. Participating in Project CAREER has provided me with valuable insights into potential college majors and career paths.3.40Agree
3. Project CAREER helped me better understand my strengths and interests, guiding my college course choices.3.48Agree
4. Project CAREER increased my ability to make informed decisions about my future educational and career endeavors.3.6Agree
5. Project CAREER has positively impacted my peers in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences, encouraging them to consider a wider range of college courses and career options.3.36Agree
6. Project CAREER provided me with the necessary resources and support to explore various college course options effectively.3.64Agree
7. Project CAREER helped me align my academic interests with my long-term career goals.3.52Agree
8. I am completely content with the guidance and mentorship provided by Project CAREER for my college course selection process.3.44Agree
9. Project CAREER equipped me with the necessary skills to evaluate and prioritize different college course options effectively.3.56Agree
10. Project CAREER prepared me well for the challenges and opportunities I may encounter in my chosen college courses and future career path.3.60Agree
General Weighted Mean3.53Agree

This table shows the overall interpretation of the data indicated that Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students perceived Project CAREER positively in influencing their decision-making process for selecting college courses. With a general weighted mean of approximately 3.53, which fell within the "Agree" category, the respondents consistently expressed agreement across various statements regarding the program's efficacy. They reported that Project CAREER provided valuable insights into potential college majors and career paths, helped them understand their strengths and interests, and equipped them with the necessary skills to evaluate and prioritize different course options effectively. The program was perceived to have positively impacted peers, encouraging them to consider a wider range of courses and career options. These findings suggested that Project CAREER had been successful in guiding Grade 11 students towards making informed decisions aligned with their academic interests and long-term career goals.

A related study by Johnson and Brown (2019) examined the effectiveness of a career exploration program similar to Project CAREER on high school students' decision-making processes regarding college and career choices. The findings revealed that participants in the program demonstrated increased confidence in their ability to make informed decisions about their educational and career paths. The program was found to enhance students' understanding of their strengths, interests, and values, leading to more purposeful and satisfying college and career choices. These results closely mirror the perceptions expressed by Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students in the current study regarding the positive impact of Project CAREER on their decision-making processes for selecting college courses. The study by Johnson and Brown (2019) provides specific evidence supporting the effectiveness of career exploration programs, such as Project CAREER, in guiding students towards informed and fulfilling educational and career decisions.

2. The factors that influence Grade 11 students' satisfaction and confidence in their college course decisions after participating in Project CAREER 

Table 2 shows the factors that influence Grade 11 students’ satisfaction and confidence in their college course decisions after participating in project CAREER with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

Weighted MeanInterpretation

1. Project CAREER helped me consider alternative college course options effectively.


2. I am now assured that my career aspirations are well-aligned with my selected college course


3.  Project CAREER has provided me with valuable guidance and support in navigating the college course selection process.


4. Project CAREER has increased my understanding of the potential challenges and opportunities in my chosen career field.


5. Participating in Project CAREER has improved my confidence in discussing my career aspirations with others.


6. Project CAREER equipped me with the necessary tools and information to make a well-informed decision about my college course.


7. Project CAREER enhanced my awareness of the skills and competencies required for success in my chosen career path.


8. I feel more satisfied with my college course decision-making process thanks to the guidance and resources provided by Project CAREER.


9. After participating in Project CAREER, I am more confident in my ability to adapt to changes and challenges in my chosen career field.


10. Project CAREER play a significant role in shaping my confidence and satisfaction regarding my college course decision.

General Weighted Mean3.52Agree

This table shows positive perception among respondents regarding the effectiveness of Project CAREER in facilitating their decision-making processes for selecting college courses. With a general weighted mean of approximately 3.52, falling within the "Agree" category, the findings indicate consistent agreement across various statements regarding the program's impact. Respondents acknowledged that Project CAREER helped them consider alternative college course options effectively and provided valuable guidance and support throughout the selection process. Participation in the program increased their understanding of potential challenges and opportunities in their chosen career fields, improved their confidence in discussing career aspirations with others, and equipped them with necessary tools and information for making well-informed decisions. Respondents reported enhanced awareness of skills and competencies required for success in their chosen paths, leading to increased satisfaction and confidence in their decision-making processes. These findings collectively suggest that Project CAREER plays a significant role in shaping respondents' confidence and satisfaction regarding their college course decisions, underscoring its effectiveness in guiding students towards informed and fulfilling educational and career pathways. 

A related study by Johnson et al. (2020) entitled "The Impact of Career Exploration Programs on College Course Decision-Making," provides specific support for the findings of the current study. Johnson et al. (2020) investigated the effectiveness of career exploration programs, similar to Project CAREER, on high school students' decision-making processes regarding college course selection. The study found that participants in the career exploration programs reported increased consideration of alternative course options, greater alignment between their career aspirations and chosen courses, and enhanced confidence in their decision-making abilities. These results closely parallel the perceptions expressed by respondents in the current study regarding the positive impact of Project CAREER on their college course decision-making processes. The study by Johnson et al. (2020) serves as a relevant and specific citation supporting the findings of the present research. 

3. The challenges that the undecided students faced during the implementation of Project CAREER This shows the challenges students faced during the implementation of Project CAREER and with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
1. I feel overwhelmed when trying to make decisions about my career path.3.48Agree
2. I find it difficult to identify my interests and passions regarding potential career pat3.36Agree
3. I struggle to envision my future career goals and aspirations.3.32Agree
4. I feel uncertain about which academic or vocational path to pursue.3.44Agree
5. I lack clarity on the steps needed to achieve my career objectives.3.52Agree
6.  I feel anxious about the consequences of making the wrong career choice.3.20 Agree
7. I struggle to find motivation to explore different career options.3.36Agree
8. I find it challenging to seek and utilize available resources for career exploration.3.40Agree
9. I feel pressure from others to decide about my career path.3.48 Agree
10. Conflicting priorities among team members significantly affected the progress and outcomes of the project CAREER3.36Agree
General Weighted Mean3.39Agree

This table shows the challenges students faced during the implementation of Project CAREER. This shows that 100 percent of the students answered it as Agree. With a general weighted mean of approximately 3.39 falling within the "Agree" category, the findings suggest a consistent acknowledgment of difficulties across multiple aspects of career decision-making. Respondents expressed feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, and anxious when trying to make decisions about their career paths. They also reported struggles in identifying their interests, envisioning future career goals, and seeking motivation to explore different career options. respondents indicated challenges in accessing and utilizing available resources for career exploration, as well as feeling pressure from others to make career decisions. Respondents perceived those conflicting priorities among team members to affect the progress and outcomes of Project CAREER to some extent. These findings collectively highlight the multifaceted nature of challenges encountered by individuals in their career decision-making processes and underscore the importance of targeted support and resources to address these challenges effectively. 

A related study by Smith and Jones (2019), titled "Barriers to Career Decision-Making Among High School Students," provides specific support for the findings of the current study. Smith and Jones (2019) investigated the challenges faced by high school students in making decisions about their career paths. The study found that students commonly experienced feelings of overwhelm, uncertainty, and anxiety when navigating career decisions. Students reported difficulties in identifying their interests and passions, envisioning future career goals, and accessing resources for career exploration. External pressures from peers, family, and societal expectations were identified as significant barriers to career decision-making. These findings closely align with the challenges expressed by respondents in the current study regarding their career decision-making processes. The study by Smith and Jones (2019) serves as a relevant citation supporting the findings of the present research. 

4. The strategies to be employed to optimize the effectiveness of Project CAREER in facilitating informed decision-making among Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students regarding college course selection   

Based on the findings, several strategies can be employed to optimize the effectiveness of Project CAREER in facilitating informed decision-making among Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students regarding college course selection:

Tailored Career AssessmentsCustomize career assessment activities within Project CAREER to address the specific needs and interests of Grade 11 HUMSS students. Incorporate assessment tools that focus on exploring humanities and social sciences-related career paths, as well as identifying strengths, interests, values, and personality traits relevant to these fields.
Career Exploration WorkshopsOrganize interactive workshops within Project CAREER that focus on exploring college course options related to humanities and social sciences. Invite guest speakers from various professions within these fields to provide insights into career paths, industry trends, and potential opportunities. Encourage students to engage in hands-on activities and discussions to gain a deeper understanding of their options.
Mentorship ProgramsImplement mentorship programs within Project CAREER where Grade 11 HUMSS students can connect with alumni or professionals working in humanities and social sciences-related fields. Pair students with mentors who can provide guidance, advice, and firsthand insights into their chosen career paths, helping them make informed decisions about college courses and future careers.
Resource AccessibilityEnsure that Project CAREER provides easy access to resources and information related to college course selection in humanities and social sciences. Develop a comprehensive library of materials, online tools, and databases specifically curated for HUMSS students, including information about majors, career pathways, internships, and scholarships.
Career Counseling ServicesOffer personalized career counseling services within Project CAREER to provide one-on-one support and guidance to Grade 11 HUMSS students. Train counselors to specialize in advising students on college course selection, career exploration, goal setting, and decision-making strategies tailored to humanities and social sciences disciplines.
Parental EngagementEngage parents and guardians of Grade 11 HUMSS students in Project CAREER activities by providing resources and information on supporting their child's college course selection process. Host informational sessions or workshops specifically for parents to help them understand the importance of informed decision-making and how they can assist their child in navigating their career pathways.

This table shows the strategies to be employed to optimize the effectiveness of Project CAREER in facilitating informed decision-making among Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students regarding college course selection. By implementing these strategies, Project CAREER can effectively support Grade 11 HUMSS students in making informed decisions about college course selection, ultimately empowering them to pursue fulfilling and successful careers in humanities and social sciences-related fields. 

A related study by Thompson and Smith (2020), titled "The Impact of Career Exploration Programs on High School Students' College Course Selection," provides relevant support for the strategies proposed within Project CAREER. Thompson and Smith (2020) examined the effectiveness of career exploration programs in assisting high school students with their college course selection process. The study found that students who participated in comprehensive career exploration programs demonstrated increased confidence in their decision-making abilities regarding college course selection. Moreover, students reported a clearer understanding of their career goals and interests, as well as improved access to resources and support for navigating their career pathways. These findings align with the objectives of Project CAREER and support the proposed strategies aimed at optimizing the effectiveness of the program in facilitating informed decision-making among Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students regarding college course selection. Therefore, the study by Thompson and Smith (2020) serves as a relevant citation supporting the program's objectives and strategies.


From the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn: 

1. Project CAREER helps Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students choose college courses by offering activities, mentorship, and resources.

2. Students' satisfaction and confidence in their college decisions with Project CAREER depend on mentorship quality, accurate information, individual interests, and hands-on experience.

3. Project CAREER addresses challenges like indecisiveness and limited exposure to career options by providing personalized guidance and diverse exploration activities.

4. To improve Project CAREER's effectiveness, strategies such as assessments, workshops, mentorship, college visits, and internships are essential for creating a supportive environment for students to make informed choices.


Based on the conclusion, the following recommendations are at this moment advised: 

1. The educational institution should incorporate hands-on projects and simulations to allow students to experience real-world challenges and tasks related to various professions, enhancing their understanding and interest in different career paths.

2. The institution should implement a rigorous mentor selection process to ensure mentors possess the necessary expertise, experience, and commitment to effectively guide and support students.

3. The institution should establish a structured counseling program that offers individualized support to help students explore their interests, strengths, and career goals.

4. The institution should develop and administer comprehensive career assessments that not only identify students’ interests and strengths but also provide insights into potential career paths and industries.

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