30 Apr


The research investigated the impact of Project NEAT (Nurturing Environmental Awareness and Responsibility in Teaching) on student concentration and learning outcomes at Nasugbu East Senior High School. Employing a descriptive research method, data was collected from a purposive sample of 130 students. Analysis of demographic profiles, perceptions of cleanliness importance, and Project NEAT's effects on learning capabilities and environmental engagement revealed a strong positive correlation between Project NEAT implementation and student outcomes. Specifically, participants reported significant improvements in focus, academic performance, and environmental responsibility as a result of Project NEAT initiatives. Various improvement strategies were proposed, including the development of regular cleaning schedules, incentivizing student participation, conducting educational workshops, and fostering a sense of ownership among students. Findings suggest that Project NEAT has the potential to create a positive, supportive, and organized learning environment that enhances student engagement and academic success. Future research could explore the long-term sustainability and scalability of Project NEAT across different educational contexts and institutions to further validate its effectiveness in promoting holistic student development.   

Keywords: learning capabilities, environmental engagement, academic performance, Project NEAT


Cleanliness is a contributory factor which enhances the learning abilities of learners. Learning remains a major constraint for learners in different parts of the environment, especially in rural societies. Various factors have been explored on the causes of learners’ challenges with regards to their learning abilities. Cleanliness is the degree to which people keep themselves and their surroundings clean. Cleanliness is a good clean state. According to Irene Pajarillo-Aquino (2019), Classroom environment seems to be an important motivating factor that makes the teaching and learning process enjoyable. The quality of teaching and learning will become evident in every learning institution when proper facilities and instructional materials are provided. The presence of these facilities and instructional will enable the students to be more comfortable which may contribute to a better academic performance in the class. A well-equipped classroom will not only affect the learners but also the teacher’s attitude in the class. The way in which the teacher organizes their class or how they control it will yield positive or negative consequences for their students. A teacher who is motivated and has a positive attitude will also have a positive impact on the students’ performance. 

Poor working conditions, including unclean classrooms, can lead to diminished morale among both students and educators. Research has demonstrated that unsanitary environments can significantly hinder student achievement and contribute to dissatisfaction among teachers. In fact, according to a study by the Learning Policy Institute, 19% of teachers who left the profession cited "dissatisfaction with working conditions" as a primary reason. 

The emergence of sick building syndrome has raised numerous concerns regarding the impact of classroom conditions on student performance. Psychologists, educators, architects, and engineers have extensively studied optimal learning environments across various age groups, from preschool to higher education. While these studies have aimed to identify ideal conditions, a consensus has yet to be reached. Adverse environmental factors such as extreme temperatures, inadequate lighting, and poor air quality undoubtedly have detrimental effects on student performance, retention, and attendance. However, beyond meeting minimum requirements, the precise impacts and correlations of these attributes remain unclear.

As schools worldwide grappled with the challenges of reopening, the latest data from the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) revealed that 43 percent of schools around the globe lacked access to basic handwashing facilities with soap and water in 2019 – a pivotal requirement for schools to operate safely amid the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the report, approximately 818 million children lacked basic handwashing amenities at their schools, exposing them to heightened risks of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. A study conducted by a Brigham Young University professor uncovered a correlation between the cleanliness of school facilities and students' academic performance. Titled “Cleanliness and Learning in Higher Education,” the study was grounded in the five levels of cleanliness identified in APPA's Custodial Staffing Guidelines for Educational Facilities. 

In Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, a significant number of children endured a heavy burden of preventable diseases due to inadequate sanitation, limited water access, and insufficient personal hygiene practices. Common ailments such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, and soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections were prevalent, adversely impacting children's overall development by impeding school attendance, educational attainment, and quality of life. Given that children spent considerable time in school, the provision of a safe and hygienic learning environment with sufficient WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) facilities and regular hygiene-promoting activities was paramount. Nevertheless, many schools encountered difficulties in delivering and sustaining even the most basic service levels as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

According to the study entitled “Influence of Cleanliness on Learning Capabilities of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences at Nasugbu East Senior High School,” conducted by (Lagus et al., 2023), a clean school environment served as the cornerstone for fostering a positive learning experience, affecting students both physically and mentally. It not only contributed to the establishment of a healthy and secure atmosphere but also played a pivotal role in enhancing concentration and overall well-being. In essence, prioritizing cleanliness in schools was deemed essential for creating an optimal learning environment that supported students in their academic journey and personal growth. The study indicated that maintaining a consistently high level of cleanliness in educational settings positively impacted students' learning capabilities, nurturing a conducive atmosphere for academic success. A clean and well-organized environment not only promoted a healthier physical setting but also enhanced students' cognitive functions, thereby facilitating improved focus and academic performance. Upon analysis, it was observed that there existed no significant difference in the influence of cleanliness on learning capabilities when individuals were grouped according to profile variables such as gender. This suggests that irrespective of gender, cleanliness consistently exerted an influence on learning abilities across the spectrum. 

The connection between cleanliness and student engagement in schools constituted a robust and multifaceted linkage. Recognizing the profound impact of a clean environment on students' well-being and engagement underscored the necessity of prioritizing cleanliness as an integral component of the overall educational experience. Schools that invested in maintaining a clean and organized space not only fostered an environment conducive to academic success but also contributed to the holistic development of responsible and engaged citizens. 

In the contemporary era of globalization, society confronted numerous upheavals, including environmental dilemmas. Rogayan (2019) reiterated that the earth had become afflicted by myriad maladies resulting from egregious human activities relentlessly denuding the environment. The challenge for all was to take proactive measures and work towards a common goal of preserving life on earth. 

Various countries around the world continued to cultivate active environmentalism among students and the general populace. India, for instance, emerged as one of the fastest-progressing nations in addressing its environmental issues and enhancing environmental quality (Sivamoorthy, Nalini & Satheesh Kumar, 2013). Environmental concerns had become issues of paramount importance to numerous stakeholders. However, in Ethiopia, many individuals seemed to possess a low level of knowledge regarding environmental issues (Hailu, 2016). Conversely, in Turkey, one study revealed that high school students exhibited a high level of environmental awareness (Anilan, 2014). Furthermore, the level of environmental awareness and practices concerning solid waste recycling were assessed on a university campus in Malaysia (Omran, Bah & Baharuddin, 2017). 

In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), in coordination with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and other relevant agencies, in consultation with experts in the field of environment and academia, led the implementation of public education and awareness programs on environmental protection and conservation through collaborative interagency and multi-sectoral efforts at all levels (RA 9512, 2008). 

The significance of public awareness has been acknowledged as a potent instrument in the environmental domain. Information disseminated through education has been recognized as having a significant impact on altering behavior (as cited in Gonzaga, 2017). 

This study aimed to identify the demographic profile of students in terms of age, gender, and section; assess the importance of Project NEAT in enhancing students' learning capabilities and environmental engagement; analyze how Project NEAT influences students in terms of learning capabilities and environmental engagement; and propose improvement strategies to enhance the effectiveness of Project NEAT in improving student concentration and learning outcomes.


The researchers employed the descriptive method of research to assess the effectiveness of Project NEAT in enhancing learning capabilities and environmental engagement among students at Nasugbu East Senior High School. This method aimed to gather data about the current and existing conditions relevant to the chosen field of study. Descriptive research endeavors to observe, characterize, and record the normal course of events in a given situation (Polit & Hungler, 1999), potentially yielding fresh insights and information. 

Purposive sampling was utilized in this study due to its cost-effectiveness. The researchers selected 130 students from Nasugbu East Senior High School for this non-probability and purposive sample technique during the academic year 2023–2024. Among the strands offered for Grade 11 at NESHS, 20 were from Accountancy Business and Management (ABM), 55 from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), 20 from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and 35 from Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL). Class standing was considered in the selection process. The total sample size was determined using purposive sampling technique, with 130 learners chosen from Nasugbu East Senior High School out of 1279 population.


This section presents the data collected where the researcher is given interpretation and analysis. 

1. The demographic profile of the respondents 

     A. Age

Table 1.1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

16 and below4736%
Above 168364%

Table 1.1

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age

This table shows the most significant number of respondents is the age of above 16 with a total number of 64%. Moreover, the last segment of respondents is 16 and below, which gives 36% of the total respondents. 

     B. Gender

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their gender including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.


Table 1.2 

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Gender

This shows the distribution of respondents according to sex. When the respondents are grouped according to their sex, male respondents comprised a more significant number than female respondents, 51% and 49% of the total respondents, respectively.

2. The perceived importance of Project NEAT in the students

A. Learning Capabilities 

Table 2.1 shows the perceived importance of Project NEAT in the students in terms of learning capabilities of the students including the weighting and computed mean with its interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I believe that maintaining cleanliness in our school environment, through Project NEAT, positively impacts our ability to focus during lessons.4.21Strongly Agree
I perceive that a tidy school environment, promoted by Project NEAT, contributes to a more conducive learning atmosphere.4.34Strongly Agree
I recognize the importance of Project NEAT in teaching students the significance of cleanliness for optimal learning outcomes.4.24Strongly Agree
I find that participating in Project NEAT activities enhances my understanding of the relationship between cleanliness and academic success.4.63Strongly Agree
I think that Project NEAT instills in students the habit of taking ownership of their learning environment, leading to improved learning capabilities.4.35Strongly Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as crucial for fostering a sense of responsibility among students towards maintaining cleanliness in school.4.42Strongly Agree
I observe that Project NEAT initiatives result in a more organized and efficient learning environment, which enhances our learning capabilities.4.32Strongly Agree
I believe that Project NEAT helps in creating a positive school culture that values cleanliness, thereby improving overall learning experiences.4.76Strongly Agree
I see the implementation of Project NEAT as essential for promoting student well-being and mental clarity, which are vital for effective learning.4.69Strongly Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as instrumental in cultivating a sense of pride and respect for our school environment, ultimately enhancing our learning capabilities.4.54Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.45Strongly Agree

This table shows the effectiveness of Project NEAT in improving the learning capabilities of the students. This shows that 100 percent of the answers are Strongly Agree.  Table 2.1 showed the highest weighted mean of 4.76, highlighting the Project NEAT helps in creating a positive school culture that values cleanliness, thereby improving overall learning experiences. Across all statements, the weighted means reflect a strong consensus, with an overall weighted mean of 4.45, indicating a collective "Strongly Agree" sentiment. Students express a belief that maintaining cleanliness through Project NEAT significantly improves their ability to focus during lessons, contributing to a more conducive learning atmosphere. They also recognize the importance of Project NEAT in teaching them the significance of cleanliness for optimal learning outcomes and enhancing their understanding of the relationship between cleanliness and academic success. Students perceive Project NEAT as instrumental in instilling a sense of responsibility, fostering pride and respect for their school environment, and promoting overall well-being and mental clarity essential for effective learning. The survey findings suggest that Project NEAT not only enhances the physical environment but also cultivates a positive school culture that values cleanliness, thereby enriching students' overall learning experiences. 

According (Widodo, 2019), The findings of their survey were as follows: School stakeholders play an important role in realizing holistic education. Holistic education will work well if supported by every stakeholder in the school, including the principal, the guard team of school culture, teachers, families, the school committees, and the community as well as the guard team of holistic education. Every component that supports the implementation of holistic education is united in carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities for the effectiveness of holistic education in school.

     B.  Environmental Engagement 

Table 2.2 shows perceived importance of Project NEAT in the students in terms environmental engagement with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I believe that Project NEAT encourages students to take an active role in preserving the cleanliness of our school environment4.62Strongly Agree
I perceive that Project NEAT promotes a greater sense of environmental responsibility among students.4.78Strongly Agree
I recognize the importance of Project NEAT in fostering a culture of sustainability within our school community.4.45Strongly Agree
I find that participating in Project NEAT activities increases students' awareness of the impact of cleanliness on the environment.4.31Strongly Agree
 I think that Project NEAT instills in students a deeper appreciation for the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy school environment.4.35Strongly Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as instrumental in cultivating a sense of stewardship towards our school surroundings among students.3.87Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as instrumental in cultivating a sense of stewardship towards our school surroundings among students.4.62Strongly Agree
I believe that Project NEAT empowers students to actively contribute to the preservation and improvement of our school environment.4.38Strongly Agree
I see the implementation of Project NEAT as essential for promoting sustainable practices and behaviors among students.4.41Strongly Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as a valuable opportunity for students to engage in environmental advocacy and action within our school community.3.45Agree
General Weighted Mean4.32Strongly Agree

This table shows the impact of Project NEAT on the students in terms of academic performance. This also shows that 80 percent of the respondents’ answers are Strongly Agree and 20 percent Agree. Table 2 showed the highest weighted mean of 4.78, highlighting Project NEAT promotes a greater sense of environmental responsibility among students. Across all statements, the weighted means indicate a high level of agreement, with an overall weighted mean of 4.32, indicating a collective "Strongly Agree" sentiment. Students believe that Project NEAT encourages them to actively participate in preserving the cleanliness of the school environment and fosters a greater sense of environmental responsibility. They also recognize the importance of Project NEAT in promoting sustainability and increasing awareness of the impact of cleanliness on the environment. Students perceive Project NEAT as empowering them to contribute to the preservation and improvement of the school environment while promoting sustainable practices and behaviors. Although there is a slightly lower agreement regarding the perception of Project NEAT as a valuable opportunity for environmental advocacy and action, the majority of students still acknowledge its significance in fostering environmental stewardship within the school community. The findings highlight the effectiveness of Project NEAT in cultivating a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility among students. 

The study by Erhabor (2016), revealed that environmental education students in the University of Benin have a level of knowledge towards the environment and also on the contents, goals, and objectives of EE in Nigeria. They also possess a positive attitude towards the natural environment. Thus, this positive attitude and high level of knowledge reveals that the human and material resources in the institution of study have a great impact on the students.

3. The impact of Project NEAT to the students  

A. Learning Capabilities 

Table 3.1 shows Project NEAT affects the students in aspects of learning capabilities and with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I believe that Project NEAT positively influences students' ability to focus and concentrate during lessons.4.56Strongly Agree
I perceive that maintaining cleanliness through Project NEAT contributes to a more conducive learning environment.4.41Strongly Agree
I recognize the importance of Project NEAT in promoting better organization and study habits among students.3.68Agree
I find that a tidy school environment, promoted by Project NEAT, enhances retention of information.4.64Strongly Agree
I think that Project NEAT instills discipline in students' study routines, leading to improved learning outcomes.3.54Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as essential for creating a positive and supportive atmosphere for learning.4.46Strongly Agree
I observe that Project NEAT initiatives result in improved classroom dynamics and student engagement.4.68Strongly Agree
I believe that Project NEAT fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership among students towards their learning environment.4.55Strongly Agree
I see the implementation of Project NEAT as crucial for optimizing students' learning capabilities and academic performance.4.42Strongly Agree
 I perceive Project NEAT as an integral component in shaping a holistic and effective educational experience for students.4.51Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.36Strongly Agree

This table shows the impact of Project NEAT on the learning capabilities of the students. This shows that 100 percent of the students answered it as Strongly Agree. Table 2 showed the highest weighted mean of 4.68, highlighting Project NEAT initiatives resulting in improved classroom dynamics and student engagement. Across all statements, the weighted means demonstrate a high level of agreement, with an overall weighted mean of 4.36, indicating a collective "Strongly Agree" sentiment. Students believe that Project NEAT positively impacts their ability to focus and concentrate during lessons, contributing to a more conducive learning environment and promoting better organization and study habits. They also perceive that a tidy school environment, fostered by Project NEAT, enhances retention of information, and instills discipline in their study routines, leading to improved learning outcomes. Students recognize Project NEAT as essential for creating a positive and supportive atmosphere for learning, resulting in improved classroom dynamics and student engagement. They believe that Project NEAT fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership among students towards their learning environment, and they view its implementation as crucial for optimizing their learning capabilities and academic performance. Students perceive Project NEAT as an integral component in shaping a holistic and effective educational experience.   

In the research conducted by Melissa L. Rands and Ann M. Gansemer-Topf (2017). According to them, Current educational research has demonstrated the importance of active learning methods in improving student engagement and learning. This assessment provided evidence that one approach - redesigning classrooms into ALCs - can enhance student engagement. The study illustrates how making the room active promotes student activity and engagement. As importantly, the process demonstrates a feasible assessment approach for gathering data that can be used to understand the impact of ALCs on learning engagement. Results can be used to both justify the time and resources spent on such activities as well as promote the institution as an environment where learning is valued.

B. Environmental Engagement

Table 3.2 shows Project NEAT affects the students in aspects of environmental engagement and with its weighted mean and the interpretation.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
I believe that Project NEAT increases students' awareness of the importance of environmental conservation.4.02Agree
I perceive that Project NEAT encourages students to take active roles in preserving the cleanliness and sustainability of our school environment.4.45Strongly Agree
I recognize the significance of Project NEAT in fostering a culture of environmental responsibility among students.3.53Agree
I find that participating in Project NEAT activities enhances students' understanding of the impact of cleanliness on the environment.3.41Agree
I think that Project NEAT instills in students a sense of duty to protect and preserve our natural surroundings.4.56Strongly Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as instrumental in cultivating a mindset of environmental stewardship among students.4.21Strongly Agree
I observe that Project NEAT initiatives contribute to a more environmentally conscious school community.3.78Agree
I believe that Project NEAT empowers students to take proactive measures in conserving resources and reducing waste.3.89Agree
I see the implementation of Project NEAT as essential for promoting sustainable practices and behaviors among students.4.25Strongly Agree
I perceive Project NEAT as a valuable platform for fostering environmental engagement and activism within our school community.4.41Strongly Agree
General Weighted Mean4.05Agree

This table shows the influence of Project NEAT on duties and responsibilities of the students. This also shows that 50 percent of the respondents’ answers are Strongly Agree. In the other hand, another 50 percent of the respondents’ answers are Agree. Table 3 showed the highest weighted mean of 4.56, highlighting Project NEAT instills in students a sense of duty to protect and preserve our natural surroundings. While the overall weighted mean of 4.05 falls under the "Agree" category, several statements received higher scores, indicating a stronger agreement. Students believe that Project NEAT increases their awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and encourages them to actively preserve the cleanliness and sustainability of the school environment. They also recognize the significance of Project NEAT in fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and stewardship among students, instilling a sense of duty to protect and preserve natural surroundings. Students perceive Project NEAT as instrumental in promoting sustainable practices and behaviors, empowering them to take proactive measures in conserving resources and reducing waste. They view the implementation of Project NEAT as essential for fostering environmental engagement and activism within the school community, contributing to a more environmentally conscious school environment. While there may be areas for improvement, the findings suggest that Project NEAT plays a valuable role in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability among students.

The study by Boca et. al (2019), Higher education has the potential to deal with different actors from external and internal environmental issues. Universities can use their infrastructure and expertise in a positive way to achieve sustainable support in collaboration with educational institutes and centers of research. They can help to support and sustain an environmental education and educate people about the environment, to develop a green society. In conclusion, they are playing a crucial role in sustainable development. Because the environment and education coexist with sustainable development, they can influence the way institutions define and put into practice environmental education.

4. The strategies can be proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Project NEAT in improving student concentration and learning outcomes               

Table 4 shows improvement strategies can be proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Project NEAT in improving student concentration and learning outcomes.

StatementsWeighted MeanInterpretation
 I believe that implementing regular cleaning schedules and routines can enhance the effectiveness of Project NEAT in improving student concentration and learning outcomes.4.82Strongly Agree
I perceive that providing incentives or rewards for students who actively participate in Project NEAT activities could encourage greater engagement and commitment.4.43Strongly Agree
I recognize the importance of incorporating educational workshops or seminars on cleanliness and its impact on learning within the framework of Project NEAT.4.54Strongly Agree
I find that involving students in the decision-making process regarding Project NEAT initiatives empowers them to take ownership and responsibility for maintaining a clean learning environment.4.35Strongly Agree
I think that establishing partnerships with local community organizations or environmental groups can provide additional resources and support for Project NEAT implementation.3.34Neutral
I perceive that integrating technology, such as mobile apps or online platforms, to track and monitor cleanliness levels in school facilities can enhance the efficiency of Project NEAT.3.90Agree
 I observe that implementing peer-led initiatives, such as student-led clean-up campaigns or eco-clubs, can foster a sense of camaraderie and collective responsibility among students towards Project NEAT goals.3.98Agree
I believe that conducting regular assessments and surveys to gather feedback from students and staff can help identify areas for improvement and refine the strategies of Project NEAT.3.78Agree
I see the value in establishing clear communication channels and protocols for reporting cleanliness-related issues or concerns to ensure timely resolution within the framework of Project NEAT.4.01Agree
 I perceive that promoting a culture of respect and appreciation for the school environment through awareness campaigns and educational materials can reinforce the objectives of Project NEAT and foster a lasting impact on student concentration and learning outcomes.4.19Agree
General Weighted Mean4.13Agree 

This table shows that implementing regular cleaning and proper scheduling can enhance the focus and concentration of the students. This shows that 50 percent of the answers are Agree, another 40 percent of the students’ answers are Strongly Agree and lastly 10 percent of the students answer are Neutral. Table 4 showed the highest weighted mean of 4.82, highlighting the implementation of Project NEAT can enhance the learning capabilities outcome of the students through scheduling and regular cleaning.  With an overall weighted mean of 4.13, falling under the "Agree" category, students express a collective agreement on the importance of implementing specific measures within the framework of Project NEAT. They strongly believe in the benefits of implementing regular cleaning schedules and routines, providing incentives for active participation, and incorporating educational workshops on cleanliness and its impact on learning. Students also emphasize the significance of involving them in decision-making processes, establishing partnerships with local community organizations, and utilizing technology to track cleanliness levels. Moreover, they recognize the value of peer-led initiatives, regular assessments, clear communication channels, and promoting a culture of respect for the school environment through awareness campaigns. These findings suggest that integrating these strategies into Project NEAT can enhance its efficiency and foster a lasting impact on student concentration and learning outcomes.             

According to a multidisciplinary journal of Education Psychology by Acedillo, Nanette, Guao Nova et. al, (2023), combining various resources greatly affects students’ active participation. The results indicated that utilizing visuals and tech aids, incentivizing with rewards, and encouraging communication all boost engagement. Also, recognizing body language aids effective teaching. This is at it creates an inclusive, tailored environment fosters participation and builds a supportive community.


The following statements are conclusions drawn from the finding: 

1.1 The survey primarily captures the perspectives of the 16 above age group, indicating a focus on this specific demographic. 

1.2 The majority of respondents being male have implications for effectiveness of the Project NEAT on improving the learning capabilities and environmental engagement of male students in the study.             

1.3 Equal distribution among Grade 11 and 12 learners provides a comprehensive view across effectiveness of the project. 

2.1 Project NEAT helps in creating a positive school culture that values cleanliness, thereby improving overall learning experiences. It fosters an environment where students thrive academically and socially by promoting cleanliness as a cornerstone of a vibrant and welcoming school community. 

2.2 Project NEAT promotes a greater sense of environmental responsibility among students. It empowers students to become stewards of the environment, fostering a generation of eco-conscious individuals who actively contribute to a sustainable future. 

3.1 Project NEAT initiatives result in improved classroom dynamics and student engagement. Through this project, classrooms become vibrant hubs of collaboration and enthusiasm, as students actively participate in maintaining a clean and organized environment, fostering enhanced focus and interaction. 

3.2 Project NEAT instills in students a sense of duty to protect and preserve our natural surroundings. It cultivates a deep appreciation for nature in students, empowering them to take meaningful action in safeguarding the environment for future generations. 

4. Regular cleaning schedules and routines under Project NEAT not only cultivate a hygienic learning environment but also instill a sense of pride and ownership among students, fostering improved focus and academic achievement. By prioritizing cleanliness, Project NEAT paves the way for a positive educational experience where students can thrive and reach their full potential.


From the result of the study which was to assess the effectiveness of Project NEAT on improving the learning capabilities and environmental engagement among the students of Nasugbu East Senior High School, these are the recommendations of the researcher to the beneficiary of this study:   

1. The school should consider organizing regular cleanliness awareness campaigns and incorporating cleanliness initiatives into extracurricular activities to emphasize their importance and maintain a positive school culture by establishing student-led cleanliness committees can also empower students to take responsibility for keeping the school environment clean. 

2. The teachers should implement a system of rewards or recognition for students who consistently contribute to maintaining cleanliness and positive classroom dynamics by providing student leadership roles within the project can further empower them to actively participate and engage in Project NEAT.

3. The curriculum makers should integrate outdoor learning opportunities and environmental stewardship projects into the curriculum to reinforce the environmental values promoted by Project NEAT by organizing community clean-up events and nature excursions can offer practical experiences that deepen students' connection to nature and inspire ongoing environmental advocacy.

4. The curriculum makers should encourage integrating environmental education into the curriculum to allow students to explore environmental issues and solutions by partnering with local environmental organizations can provide hands-on learning experiences and community engagement opportunities, fostering students' sense of environmental stewardship.

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